Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. ( ??? ) is the first African-American Greek fraternity, united. Individuals recognized by the founding fraternity are known as the Seven Gems, the Henry Arthur Callis, Charles Henry Chapman, Eugene Kinckle Jones, George Biddle Kelley, Nathaniel Allison Murray, Robert Harold Ogle, and Vertner Woodson Tandy. Originally it was a literary and social studies club held in 1905-1906 at Cornell University, in Ithaca, New York. The group later evolved into a fraternity with the date of the founding of December 4, 1906, at Cornell. It uses an icon from Ancient Egypt, the Great Sphinx of Giza, as its symbol. The goal is "Manly Deeds, Scholarship, and Love For All Mankind," and the motto is "First of All, Servants of All, We Shall Transcend All." The archive is stored in the Moorland-Spingarn Research Center.
The chapters were hired at Howard University and Virginia Union University in 1907. The fraternity has over 290,000 members and has been open to men of all races since 1945. Currently, there are more than 730 active chapters in America, Africa, Europe, Caribbean, and Asia. It is the largest African-American alliance and one of the ten largest college fraternities in the country.
Alpha Phi Alpha is a social organization with a mission of service organizations and provides leadership and service during the Great Depression, World War, and Civil Rights Movement. The brotherhood deals with social issues like apartheid, AIDS, urban housing, and other economic, cultural and political issues that appeal to colored people. The national programs and initiatives of the fraternity include A Voteless People Is A Hopeless People, My Brother's Keeper, Go To High School, Go To College, Project Alpha, and World Policy Council. It also initiates philanthropic programming with March of Dimes, Head Start, Boy Scouts of America, and Big Brothers Big Sisters of America.
Members of this fraternity include many historical civil rights leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr., founder of NAACP, W. E. B. Du Bois, Frederick Douglass, and Dick Gregory. Other world-renowned members include political activist Cornel West, Duke Ellington musician and Lionel Richie, NBA legend Walt Frazier, Jamaican Prime Minister Norman Manley, Olympic gold medalist Jesse Owens, Justice Thurgood Marshall, UN Ambassador Andrew Young, Academy Award-winning director Barry Jenkins, Nashville Waffle House shooting hero, James Shaw Jr., and ESPN sportsman Stuart Scott, and Jay Harris.
Alpha Phi Alpha is directly responsible for the concept, funding, and construction of the Martin Luther King Jr Memorial next to the National Mall in Washington D.C.
Video Alpha Phi Alpha
At the beginning of the 20th century, African-American students in American universities were often excluded from the fraternal organizations enjoyed by the white student population in non-black colleges. C. C. Poindexter organizes a group of students for literary discussions and social functions at Cornell University. The group initially consists of 15 students and includes women. The initial study group consisted of 14 students. These students include four from Washington, D.C. - Robert Ogle, Fred Morgan Phillip, Fannie Holland, and Flaxie Holcosbe. There are also four men and a woman from New York State: George Kelley, Arthur Callis, James Thomas, Gordon Jones, and Paul Ray. From West Virginia came Eugene Kinckle Jones and Mary Vassar. Vertner Tandy is from Kentucky, and C.H. Chapman is from Florida.
The group meets every two weeks at 421 North Albany Street, where Poindexter is staying. Poindexter is otherwise linked to other students from a group of more faculty to students than peer-to-peer, given that he is the secretary of a professor at Cornell. In December 1905, Poindexter held a student meeting that included Murray, Ogle, Phillips, Chapman, Kelley, Callis, Tandy, and George Tompkins.
Robert Ogle has seen an article in Chicago Defender magazine about the Negro fraternity at Ohio State University called Pi Gamma Omicron, where the university has no knowledge. Pi Gamma Omicron inspires Ogle to try to transform the literary society into a brotherhood. There is disagreement about group goals: some want social and literary clubs where everyone can participate; others want a traditional fraternal organization. Poindexter felt the group should serve the cultural and social needs of the black community and not become an elite secret society. The community decides to work to provide literary, study, social, and support groups for all minority students who experience social and academic racial prejudice. On October 23, 1906, George Kelley proposed that the organization was officially known by the Greek letters Alpha Phi Alpha, and Robert Ogle proposed a black and old gold color. Poindexter became the first President of Alpha Phi Alpha; under his leadership, the first meal, initiation procedures, and policies were introduced.
The divisive issue of whether the term "club" or "brotherhood" should be used is debatable. The voice again confirms Alpha Phi Alpha's name with dark gold and black. Initiation of new members Eugene Kinckle Jones, Lemuel Graves and Gordon Jones occurred on October 30, 1906 in the Masonic Hall including James Morton was considered and elected, but at that time he was not enrolled at the university. Two founding members learn about the brotherly rituals of other fraternal organizations: Henry A. Callis works at the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity House, and Kelly works at Theta Pi's fraternity. Incidentally, an article about the fraternity of the Negro Pi Gamma Omicron had an early desire to become a national fraternity noted by correspondent Beta Theta Pi at Ohio State University. Callis states that fraternity, SAE and BTP, are the original source of the rite of brotherhood. Other members of the group felt that Poindexter, as a graduate student, dominated the Alpha Phi Alpha meeting. In his absence at the meeting in November 1905, the idea of ​​brotherhood was encouraged to be elected by Murray and endorsed by Robert H Ogle. In December 1905, Thompson's resignation was accepted. Seven of the 12 original men from the initial meeting in December 1905 will continue to be members of the fraternity.
On December 4, 1906, a decision on a name was made: "brotherhood". Previous "club" terms, "organization" and "community" are permanently deleted. One month later, Poindexter resigned from the fraternity, as he took a new job at the University of Hampton in Virginia. 11 members attended during the establishment date of the fraternity on December 4, 1906. Despite the role of Poindexter in the formation of Alpha Phi Alpha, it was agreed that his name would not be attributed to the initial formation of fraternity by its founders.. Murray is firm in his belief that Poindexter should not be considered a founder despite his role. As Charles Wesley puts it in a book of fraternal history, "CC Poindexter deserves special attention, without his serious and passionate leadership, perhaps the brotherhood organization will progress more slowly.He is the spirit that moves in the literary organization that functions as the precursor of brotherhood. president of the group and continued in the office during the initial policy formation and also through the first initiation in Alpha Phi Alpha society. "According to his wife, Poindexter is not opposed to the idea of ​​brotherhood.
The original founding members of the fraternity are now expressed as Henry A. Callis, Charles Henry Chapman, George Biddle Kelley, Nathaniel Allison Murray, Robert H. Ogle, Vertner Woodson Tandy, and James Morton. The latter was replaced as founder in 1952 by Eugene Kinckle Jones. Eugene Kinkle Jones who joined the group in October 1906 was named founder in 1952, while James Morton was removed for lack of registration at Cornell.
Mrs. Annie C Singleton played an important role in assisting the organization in the early years. He became the mother of brotherhood as a result.
Consolidation and expansion
The fraternal constitution was adopted on 4 December 1906, restricting membership to "male Negroes" students and providing that the General Conventions of Brotherhood will be made after the formation of the fourth chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha. The opening states Alpha Phi Alpha's goal:
To promote a more perfect union among the students; to assist and demand the personal progress of its members; to deepen brotherly love and fraternal spirit within the organization; to correct crime; to destroy all prejudices; to maintain the sanctity of the house, the personification of virtue and the purity of women.
The chapters of the Alpha Phi Alpha are given the names of Greek letters in the order of installation into the fraternity. No chapter is designated Omega, the last letter of the Greek alphabet and is traditionally used for "end". The deceased brothers are considered by the brothers to join the Omega Chapter.
Founders Eugene Kinckle Jones and Nathaniel Allison Murray chartered the second and third chapters, at Howard University and Virginia Union University, respectively, in December 1907. The charter at Howard made it the first black-and-white organization of blacksmiths. The establishment of chapters in a place not considered a Class A university is a source of debate among the founders. Non-university colleges include Negro universities, especially in addition to Howard University.
The purpose and purpose of the fraternity in the articles of incorporation are stated "to educate and to increase together with its members." The Brotherhood has founded Alpha Phi Alpha Archives at the Howard University Moorland-Spingarn Research Center to preserve the history of the organization.
The fraternity chartered its first international chapter at the University of Toronto in 1908. The round had been rented in London, Frankfurt, Monrovia, the Caribbean and South Korea.
The first public devotional assembled in December 1908 at Howard University in Washington, D.C., produced the first ritual and the election of the first General President Alpha Phi Alpha, Moses A. Morrison. Every newly elected President General is automatically regarded as one of the "100 most influential Black Americans."
The brotherhood formed his first alumni, Alpha Lambda chapter in 1911 in Louisville, Kentucky. It was again incorporated as a national organization on April 3, 1912, under the laws of Congress in the District of Columbia, under the name and title of The Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity .
For over 100 years, Alpha Phi Alpha and its members have a voice and influence on politics and current affairs. The Crisis, the National Association for the Advancement of Color (NAACP) magazine, was initiated by members of the WEB Du Bois fraternity in 1910. In 1914, The Sphinx was named after the Egyptian landmark , began publication as a fraternity journal. The Crisis and The Sphinx is the first and second oldest black journal published in the United States continuously. The National Urban League (NUL) Opportunity: Journal of Negro Life was first published in 1923 under the leadership of Alpha founders Eugene K. Jones and Charles Johnson as executive editors.
In 1912, Charles H. Garvin was elected fourth annual president of Alpha Phi Alpha at the fourth annual convention in Ann Arbor, Michigan and was the first for individuals to serve two periods as president. He served as two periods as president, between 1912-1914. While at the office he helps secure the chapel house, appoints a special committee to consult with president Howard, and asks the members to 'use every possible means to improve the moral and scholastic tone of the Brotherhood. â € Garvin sees that it is very important that the Brotherhood builds a conscious image and perception for future generations.One of the most prominent contributions made by Garvin is the merging of the national fraternity under the law of Congress.As president, Garvin writes the Fraternite Esprit Brotherhood, in it he dictates:
The Training Camp at Fort Des Moines during World War I was the result of a fraternal advocacy in lobbying the government to set up an officer training camp for black troops. Thirty-two Alpha people were awarded commissions (four captains were made and many were first lieutenants). First Lieutenant Victor Daly is decorated with Croix de Guerre for his devotion in France. Today, the castle is a museum and educational center that honors the first US Army candidates for African-American men in 1917.
While continuing to emphasize academic excellence among its members, Alpha leaders recognize the need to correct the educational, economic, political, and social injustices faced by African Americans and the world community. Alpha Phi Alpha has a long history of providing scholarships to needy students and starting various charity projects and other services. It evolved from a social fraternity into a major public service organization.
History: 1919-1949
The fraternal national program began in 1919, with the campaign "Higher Education, College" to promote academic achievement in the African-American community as the first initiative.
The 1920s witnessed the birth of the Harlem Renaissance â € "an art, literature, music, and African-American culture that began to be absorbed into mainstream American culture. The brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha brothers, Charles Johnson, W. E. B. Du Bois, Noble Sissle, Countee Cullen and other members are entrepreneurs and participants in this creative awakening led mainly by the African-American community based in Harlem, New York City. By the late 1920s, fraternities had chartered 85 chapters throughout the United States and started over 3,000 members.
During the Great Depression, Alpha Phi Alpha and its members continued to implement programs to support the black community. The Public Policy Committee, Alpha Phi Alpha Education Foundation, and "The Foundation Publishers" were established at the general convention of 1933. The Public Policy Committee took a position on many important issues for the black community. It investigates the performance of New Deal institutions Franklin D. Roosevelt to assess the status of the black population, both as a treatment of agency employees and in the quality of service provided to American blacks. Alpha men Rayford Logan and Eugene K. Jones were members of the unofficial Roosevelt Black Cabinet, an informal group of African-American public policy advisers to the President.
The Education Foundation was created in recognition of the educational, economic, and social needs of African Americans in the United States. The Foundation, led by Rayford Logan, is structured to provide scholarships and grants to African-American students. The Foundation Publishers will provide financial support and fellowship for writers dealing with African-American issues. Historian and brother of fraternity John Hope Franklin was the earliest recipient of a publishing company and recipient of the 2006 Kluge Prize for lifelong achievement in a humanitarian study.
In 1933, a brotherhood brother, Belford Lawson Jr., founded the New Negro Alliance (NNA) at Washington D.C. to combat white business in a black environment that will not employ black employees. NNA instituted a radical, "Do not Buy Where You Can Work" campaign, and organized or threatened a boycott of a white-owned business. In response, some businesses manage orders to stop the precautions. NNA lawyers, including Lawson and Thurgood Marshall, fought back - all the way to the United States Supreme Court at New Negro Alliance v. Sanitary Grocery Co. This ruling in favor of the NAACP became a landmark case in the African-American struggle against discriminatory hiring practices. The "Do Not Buy You Can not Work" group doubles across the country. The Brotherhood sponsors the annual Belford V. Lawson Oratory Contest in which college members demonstrate their oratory skills first at the chapter level, with winners competing in District, Regional and General Conventions.
The Brotherhood began participating in the issue of voting rights, which united the famous phrase "A Voteless People is A Hopeless People" as part of an effort to register black voters. The term was coined by the Alpha Omicron Chapter located at Johnson C. Smith University in 1936. The Institute of Philosophy and Public Policy says "Alpha Phi Alpha... develops a citizenship school in the South and under the slogan" A Voteless People is a Powerless Person "enrolled hundreds of blacks during the 1930s, decades before the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) and the Student Non-Violence Coordination Committee (SNCC) launched their citizenship school in the 1960s." This slogan is still used in Alpha Phi Alpha's ongoing voter registration campaign. Alpha Phi Alpha and former mayor of Washington, D.C. Marion Barry is the first chairman of SNCC.
Seven Alpha people represent the United States at the 1936 Summer Olympics are politically charged: Jesse Owens, Ralph Metcalfe, Fritz Pollard Jr., Cornelius Johnson, Archie Williams, Dave Albritton, and John Woodruff. In 1938, Alpha Phi Alpha continued to grow and became an international organization when a chapter was chartered in London, England.
Alpha Phi Alpha supports legal battles against segregation. Some of its members who are judicial lawyers argue that many of the nation's major court cases involving civil rights and civil liberties. Case style Murray v. Pearson (1935) was initiated by a fraternity and was successfully debated by Alpha Thurgood Marshall and Charles Houston people to challenge biases at universities that do not have laws that require segregation in their colleges. The Brotherhood assists in similar cases involving the brotherhood of Lloyd Gaines. In Gaines v. Canada , the most important separation case since Plessy v. Ferguson , Gaines was denied admission to the Law School at the University of Missouri because he was black. Men Alpha Houston and Sidney Redmon managed to argue "Countries that provide only one educational institution should allow blacks and whites to attend if there are no separate schools for blacks."
In 1940, according to its "first first" form, Alpha Phi Alpha sought to end racial discrimination in its membership. The use of the word "Negro" in the constitutional membership clause referring to "Negro boys" will be changed for "all male students." The unanimous decision to amend the constitution took place in 1945 and was the first official act by BGLO to allow acceptance of all colors and races. Bernard Levin became the first non-black member in 1946, and Roger Youmans became the first non-black member to handle fraternity at the 1954 general convention.
After the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 and the entry of the country into World War II, the fraternity struggled to gain the right to membership in the ranks of officers in the armed forces. The types of battles encountered prove a relationship between education and war, with illiteracy reducing the usefulness of a soldier to the Army that can only be overcome by the inclusion of large numbers of college-educated men among the officers. Alpha people served in almost every branch of military and civil defense programs during World War II. Brotherhood leadership encourages Alpha men to buy war bonds, and membership responds with their purchase. The long tradition of military service remains strong. Alpha military leaders Samuel Gravely and Benjamin Hacker were joined by other members of the fraternity who lead and serve in the armed forces.
In 1946, the fraternity brother Paul Robeson, in a letter to the editor published in The New York Times, referred to the apartheid and South Africa demand that would come to annex West Africa, a mandate of the League of Nations- Nation, appealed. :
to my American colleagues to announce their protest against such conditions to the South African Ministry in Washington; to be sent to the Council of African Affairs, an expression of support for these oppressed workers with a heavy heart in South Africa; to keep the South African situation in mind against the time when General Smuts will come to the UN Assembly to demand the annexation of South West Africa, which means more Africans to exploit.
In 1947, Alpha Phi Alpha awarded the Robeson the Alpha Medallion to "an outstanding role as a champion of freedom."
History: 1950-1969
The general convention in 1952 was the site for important historical action taken on the Creed of the Seventh Gem. The decision "put Brother [Eugene] Jones in the true historical setting resulting from the main role he had played in his origin and the development of the early years of fraternal history" was made by a special committee composed of Jewels Callis, Kelley and Murray and the brotherhood historian Charles H Wesley. James Morton was dismissed as founder, but remains listed as one of the first initiates. The Convention created the Alpha Award of Merit and the Alpha Award of Honor, to reward tireless efforts on behalf of African Americans, and awarded to Thurgood Marshall and Eugene K. Jones.
In 1956, the fraternity made a "pilgrimage" to Cornell in a Golden Party celebration that drew about 1,000 members traveling on a rented train from Buffalo, New York to Ithaca. Brotherhood of Martin Luther King Jr. delivered a keynote speech at the 50th anniversary celebration, where he spoke of "Segregation Injustice". There are three living Jewels present for this event, Kelley, Callis and Murray.
Alpha men were pioneers and at the forefront of the Civil Rights Movement during the 1950s. In Montgomery, Martin Luther King Jr. leading the men at Montgomery Bus Boycott as ministers, and then as SCLC chief. Birmingham sees Arthur Shores arrange for civil rights at Lucy v. Adams . Thurgood Marshall manages the case of the renowned US Supreme Court Brown v. Board of Education , in which the Court decides to oppose segregation in public schools. Marshall hired a mentor and brotherhood fraternity of Charles Houston to use the de facto "educational" inequality education "separate but equal" in the United States to attack and defeat Jim Crow's law. Actions by Alpha activists provoke death threats to them and their families, and reveal their homes as bombing targets.
In 1961, Whitney Young became executive director of the National Urban League. In 1963, NUL hosted a civil rights civil rights planning meeting for March in Washington for Employment and Freedom. The Alpha Phi Alpha delegate is one of the largest to participate in March in Washington.
In 1968, after the murder of brother brother Martin Luther King Jr., Alpha Phi Alpha proposed establishing a permanent monument to the King in Washington, D.C. Fraternal efforts gained momentum in 1986 after the King's birthday was designated a national holiday. They created the Washington D. C. Martin Luther King Jr., Inc. National Memorial Project Foundation. to raise $ 100 million for development.
History: 1970-2000
Beginning in the 1970s, new destinations were introduced to tackle the current environment. However, older social programs and policies are still supported; under the direction of President General Ernest Morial, the brotherhood turned his attention to new social needs. These include campaigns to eliminate ghetto goals in various fields with housing construction and entrepreneurial initiatives.
The Federal Housing Act (1963) calls for non-profit organizations to engage by providing housing for low-income families, individuals and senior citizens. Alpha Phi Alpha is ready to take advantage of this program with the government in improving the living conditions of urban housing. Chapter Eta Tau Lambda created Alpha Phi Alpha Homes Inc. with James R. Williams as chairman to handle this need in Akron, Ohio. In 1971, Alpha Homes received $ 11.5 million in grants from HUD to start a breakthrough in Channelwood Village with the Henry Arthur Callis Tower as its center. Channelwood contains an additional structure named after General President James R. Williams and Charles Wesley, and the streets are named for the founders of the fraternities of Tandy and Ogle. The Alpha Towers in Chicago and three other urban housing developments in St. Louis. Louis, Missouri - Alpha Gardens, Alpha Towne and Alpha Village see the solution through the leadership of Alpha Phi Alpha.
In 1976, the fraternity celebrated its 70th anniversary with the location of a double convention: New York City and Monrovia. The Brotherhood launched the Million Dollar Fund Drive with three main beneficiaries -
- United Negro College Fund (UNCF),
- The Urban Urban League
- and NAACP.
The NAACP Executive Director stated, "Alpha Phi Alpha gives the single largest prize ever received by civil rights groups."
In 1981, the fraternity celebrated Diamond Jubilee in Dallas, Texas, featuring a presentation of a New Impulse Program consisting of a Million Dollar Fund, Leadership Development and Citizenship, and a search for a national holiday for fraternity brother Martin Luther King Jr.
We will strive to lend us our voice, our time, our expertise, and our money to solve the problems that humans must resolve as we enter the 21st century.
As the 21st century approaches, Alpha Phi Alpha's long-term commitment to the social and economic improvement of mankind remains at the top of its agenda. The 28th General President of the fraternity, Henry Ponder, said, "We want the public to feel Alpha Phi Alpha as a group of highly trained professional men in college who are very concerned and sensitive to the needs of mankind: We will be a great length to lend our voice , our time, our expertise and our money to solve the problems that humans must resolve as we enter the 21st century. "
In 1996, the World Policy Council (WPC) was formed as a think tank to extend fraternal engagement in politics, and social and current policies to cover important global and world issues. The United States Congress authorized the Minister of the Interior to allow Alpha Phi Alpha to alert Dr. Martin Luther King at the Department of Home Affairs in the District of Columbia.
Twenty-first century
In 2006, more than 10,000 Alpha Phi Alpha members gathered in Washington, D.C. to participate in a hundred-year fraternal convention to lay the groundwork for another 100 years of service. The Brotherhood develops a national strategic plan outlining the process that Alpha Phi Alpha will use in its ongoing efforts to develop future leaders, and promote brotherhood and academic excellence. The Centenary Report of the World Policy Council was published in connection with the twenty-third century Alpha Phi Alpha.
In 2007, General President Darryl Matthews spoke to protesters at a protest rally that was touted as a new civil rights struggle in the 21st century. The march for six black teenagers, "Jena 6", was a heartbreaking reminder of an incident that marked the civil rights struggle that began in the 1950s.
On the eve of the inauguration of Barack Obama, the fraternity under the new leadership of 33rd President Herman "Skip" Mason hosted Martin Luther King Holiday program at the National Press Club "to honor the 'first experience' yesterday - those in history that paved the way for the nation to celebrate the first African-American president. "Alpha Congressman Chaka Fattah said," Dr. King's life and heritage is a predicate for Barack Obama's election, "" Both are closely intertwined. " Alpha Phi Alpha responded to President Obama's call to America to re-create America by implementing a public policy program to focus on saving American black children. President Mason on behalf of the fraternity appealed to President Obama to create a "White House Council of Men and Boys" and partnered with Alpha Phi Alpha to specifically address the needs of this group at the national level.
Alpha Phi Alpha responded to the 2010 Haiti earthquake by sending a humanitarian delegation from Alpha people led by President Mason to Haiti on a fact-finding mission to assess the situation and develop a long-term support plan for the Haitian people. The organization views its future plans to 'adopt' schools in Haiti as "a great opportunity for the first black-family brotherhood to stand in solidarity with the first independent blacks."
The fraternity protested to the Arizona Senate Bill 1070 part believed to cause racial profiling by relocating the 2010 national convention from Phoenix, Arizona to Las Vegas, Nevada. The bill makes crime a crime for aliens in Arizona without legal documents, state and local law enforcement measures of federal immigration laws, and crack down on people who hide, hire and transport illegal immigrants. The bill has been called the largest and most stringent measure of anti-illegal immigration in decades.
With the global expansion as a platform, the fraternity hired new chapters in the eastern hemisphere at the 2010 National Convention in Las Vegas, NV. Two new chapters in London, England and Johannesburg, South Africa, are increasingly expanding the global footprint of the fraternity.
In 2012, Herman "Skip" Mason was suspended from the fraternity amid allegations of financial untruth and was quickly removed as General President. Mason filed a lawsuit stating that the board of directors violated the constitution and fraternal in-laws when suspending it. The lawsuit requested a temporary restraining order that would eventually return him as general president. This is rejected.
Maps Alpha Phi Alpha
National program
Alpha Phi Alpha affirms that through its community outreach initiatives, the fraternity voices the voice and vision for the struggle of African-Americans, African diasporas, and the countless special issues that affect the Blacks.
The Brotherhood provides for charity efforts through the Foundation for Education and Building, providing academic scholarships and shelter for underprivileged families These projects are managed by fraternal brothers; Broderick McKinney, Kenneth Burnside, and Gregory Anderson. The Fraternity combines its efforts with other philanthropic organizations such as Head Start, Boy Scouts of America, Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, Project Alpha with March of Dimes, NAACP, Habitat for Humanity and Fortune 500 companies.
Alpha's "Designed Charity" benefits from about $ 10,000, a one-time donation fundraising effort at the fraternal annual convention. The Brotherhood has also made a commitment to train leaders with a national mentoring program.
The Washington, D.C. Martin Luther King Jr. National Memorial Project Foundation adalah proyek Alpha Phi Alpha untuk membangun Martin Luther King Jr. National Memorial di National Mall di Washington D.C.
Sekolah Go-To-High, Go-To-College
Founded in 1922, Go-To-High School program, Go-To-College is aimed at buying Alpha men, with the opportunity to provide young participants with role models. The program concentrates on the importance of completing secondary education and college as a pathway to progress and to provide information and strategies to facilitate success.
Voter education/registration program
"The Voteless People Without Hope" started as Alpha National Program during the 1930s by the Omikron Alpha chapter (Johnson C. Smith University), when many African Americans have the right to vote but are prevented from voting because of polls. taxes, threats of retaliation, and lack of education about the voting process. Vocational education and registration has since remained a central focus in fraternal planning. In the 1990s the focus has shifted to the promotion of political awareness and empowerment, most often conveyed through the use of city meetings and forums of candidates. Members must be registered as voters, and participate in national voter registration programs.
The Nu Mu Lambda trial chapter of Decatur, Georgia, held voter registration in DeKalb County, Georgia in 2004, from which the Secretary of State's Secretary of State Cathy Cox rejected all 63 voter registration applications on the grounds that the fraternity did not follow the correct procedures, including obtaining pre- - specially from the state to do their drives.
The Court found and hereby DECLARE that the denial of voter registration application on the grounds that they are filed in a bundle, or by someone who is not a registrar or registrar representative, violates NVRA.
Nu Mu Lambda proposed Charles H. Wesley Education Foundation v. Cathy Cox on the basis that the policies and practices of the Secretary of Georgia Secretary reject the application of voter registration of letters submitted in bundles and/or by persons other than applicants, applicants, or individual applicants, violates the requirements of the National Electoral Registration Act in 1993 (NVRA) by damaging voter registration voters. US Senior District Judges upheld a previous federal court ruling in the case, which also found private entities having rights under the NVRA, to engage in organized voter registration activity in Georgia at the time and location of their choosing, without the presence or permission of the state or election officials local.
Project Alpha
Alpha Phi Alpha, Iota Delta Lambda Chapter (Chicago) and March of Dimes started a collaborative program called Project Alpha in 1980. The project consists of a series of workshops and information sessions conducted by Alpha Phi Alpha brotherhood brothers to provide youth with current and accurate information about prevention of teenage pregnancy. Alpha Phi Alpha also participated in March of Dimes' WalkAmerica and raised more than $ 181,000 in 2006. Martin Luther King Jr.
National Memorial
The warning was a result of an early effort from the Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity to establish a monument to the King. & Gt; King was a member of the fraternity, initiated into the organization through the Sigma Chapter on June 22, 1952, when he attended Boston University. King remained involved with the fraternity after completing his studies, including delivering a keynote speech at the fraternity's 50th anniversary celebration in 1956. In 1968, after the killing of King Alpha Phi Alpha proposed to establish a permanent monument to the King in Washington, DC. efforts to gain momentum in 1986, after the King's birthday was designated a national holiday.
In 1996, the United States Congress authorized the Home Affairs Minister to allow Alpha Phi Alpha to make a memorial to the Department of Home Affairs in the District of Columbia, granting the brotherhood until November 2003 to raise $ 100 million and split the land. In 1998, Congress passed a brotherhood to establish a foundation - Washington National Memorial Project Foundation, D.C. Martin Luther King Jr. - to manage the fundraising and design of the warning, and approve the construction of a memorial at the National Mall. In 1999, the United States Fine Arts Commission (CFA) and the National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC) approved the site site for the memorial.
The memorial design, by the ROMA Design Group, a San Francisco-based architectural firm, is selected from 900 candidates from 52 countries. On December 4, 2000, a marble and bronze plaque was placed by Alpha Phi Alpha to dedicate the site on which the warning will be built. Soon after, a full-time fundraising team started a fund-raising and promotion campaign for the memorial. The innovative ceremony for the memorial was held on November 13, 2006, in West Potomac Park.
In August 2008, the foundation leaders estimated the warning would take 20 months to complete with a total cost of $ 120 million USD. As of December 2008, the foundation has raised approximately $ 108 million, including major contributions from donors such as Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, The Walt Disney Company Foundation, National Association of Realtors, and filmmaker George Lucas. The figure also includes $ 10 million in matching funds provided by the United States Congress.
World Policy Council
President General Milton C. Davis founded the World Policy Council in 1996 as a non-profit and non-partisan think tank with a mission as stated in the one-hundred-year report "to address issues of concern to our brotherhood, our community, our nation and the world. "
The Council is headed by Ambassador Horace Dawson and communicates his position through a white paper distributed to policymakers, politicians, scholars, journalists, and chapters of fraternity. Since its inception, the Council has issued five reports on topics such as the AIDS crisis, the Middle East conflict, and Nigerian politics. The fifth report was published in 2006 and examines the Millennium Challenge, Hurricane Katrina, and extraordinary rendition.
Alpha Phi Alpha, Inc. Educational Foundation.
Alpha Phi Alpha Education Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit charitable organization of fraternity, which focuses on scholarships, programs, and membership training and development. The Education Foundation includes Go-to-High School, Go-to-College, Project Alpha, voter education/enrollment efforts, Belford V. Lawson Oratory Contest, John Hope Franklin Collegiate Scholars Bowl, Hobart Debate Competition Jarrett, Leadership Development Institute, and professional and personal development thrust fraternity through Alpha University.
Pan-Hellenic Membership
The Brotherhood retains dual membership in the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) and the North American Interfraternity Conference (NIC). The NPHC is comprised of nine associations and associations of international black Greek letters, and Alpha Phi Alpha is the only member founded in the Ivy League school. The Council promotes interaction through forums, meetings, and other media for information exchange, and engages in programming and cooperative initiatives through various activities and functions.
The NIC serves to advocate for the needs of members of the fraternity through the enrichment of fraternal experience; the progress and growth of the fraternal community; and improving the education mission of the host institution.
Alpha Phi Alpha's membership is dominated by African-American compositions with brothers in over 680 branches of college and scholars in the United States, District of Columbia, Caribbean, Bermuda, Europe, Asia and Africa. Since its founding in 1906, more than 290,000 men have joined the Alpha Phi Alpha membership and a large percentage of leadership in the African American community in the 20th century comes from the ranks of fraternity.
John A. Williams writes in his book The King of the God Who Does not Save, which is a commentary on the life of Alpha Phi Alpha Martin Luther King Jr., "a man who claws his status does not stop at education." There is a title of help that he must get. Brotherhood is one of them. "The mystique belonging to the Greek letter group still attracts large numbers of students despite the lawsuits that have threatened the existence of several associations and associations.
Initial Membership Development Process (IMDP)
The period in which the candidate for membership in the fraternity is involved before applying and being initiated as a member. This period is a time when candidates study the history, goals, objectives, and tenacity of the organization's fraternity.
In June 2013, the fraternity only inaugurates members through the Early Membership Development Process (IMDP), and all membership development activities for fraternity are overseen by the Director of National Membership and conducted by the Regional Head of Designated Deans. The Pawn has been formally abolished as a means of obtaining a membership in Alpha Phi Alpha and the "line" of appointments has been officially removed by the fraternity. Candidates must not surrender, or agree to submit themselves, to any membership activities that are prohibited by the fraternity. Individuals involved in hazing face severe disciplinary action by the fraternity and are referred to local legal authorities.
There are periods in the history of fraternity in which hazing is involved in certain lines of promise. The Brotherhood has never forgiven the hazing, but has been aware of problems with "hurrying" and "initiation" dated to the extent the General Convention of 1934 when the fraternal founders communicated their concerns with physical violence during the initiation ceremony. At the general convention of 1940, a handbook was discussed which would contain a brief general history, a list of chapters and locations, the achievements of Alpha men, extraordinary Alpha men, and the pledge procedure.
In 2001 and 2007, chapters at Ohio State University and Oklahoma State University-Stillwater were suspended for two and five years in a row because of hazing and incidents involving injured prospective members serious enough to require medical care. In 2010, the fraternity suspended new membership indefinitely in response to the hazing event in 2009 which again led to a promise to be hospitalized. In 2012, the University of Florida chapter Alpha Phi Alpha was also accused of hazing. The accusation claimed that members of the Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity repeatedly beat and swung promises hard enough to cause bruises, and one pledge was swung so hard that he could not sleep on his back for several nights.
In the selection of candidates for membership, some chapters do not escape the challenges of racial stereotypes and allegations of coloration. In the biography of Justice Thurgood Marshall, the author tells how certain chapters of the fraternity use "brown bag paper" and will not consider students whose skin is darker than pockets. President General Belford Lawson Jr. deplore this attitude and condemn the practice of initiation from arrogance and exclusivity, and say, "Jesus Christ can not make Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity today, they will bully Him because He is not hot enough."
Brotherhood once gives a classification for honorary and noble honorary membership. Honorary members include Vice President Hubert Humphrey (the Caucasian), jazz musician Duke Ellington, and activist W. E. B. Du Bois. Frederick Douglass is distinguished as the only member who was posthumously posthumously when he became honorary honorary member of the Omega section in 1921. The Brotherhood no longer has honorary membership, a practice that ceased in the 1960s.
Famous members
List of fraternity membership including activist Dick Gregory, Professor Princeton Cornel West, Congressman Charles B. Rangel, Housing Department and Secretary of Urban Development Samuel Pierce, celebrity doctor Corey HÃÆ' Â © bert, businessman John Johnson, athlete Mike Powell, musician Donny Hathaway, United Ambassador Nations Andrew Young, Bermuda's first Premier Sir Edward T. Richards, and Mayor of Atlanta Maynard Jackson.
Roland Burris became the only black member of the US Senate in 2009 when he occupied the seat vacated by President Barack Obama.
Alpha Male role in the founding and leadership of the NAACP (Du Bois), the People's National Party (PNP) Norman Manley, the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH) (Jesse E. Moorland), UNCF (Frederick D) Patterson), and SCLC (King, Walker and Jemison). The Urban Urban League has had eight leaders in more than 100 years of its existence; six leaders are Alfa: George Haynes, Eugene K. Jones, Lester Granger, Whitney Young, Hugh Price, and Marc Morial.
From the ranks of fraternity have come a number of pioneers in various fields. Honorary member Kelly Miller was the first African American to be accepted at Johns Hopkins University. Todd Duncan is the first actor to play "Porgy" on Porgy and Bess . During Washington's Porgy and Bess in 1936, the players - led by Todd Duncan - protested the segregation of the audience. Duncan stated that he "would never play in a theater that prohibits him buying tickets to a certain seat because of his race." Finally the management will provide demands and allow for the first integrated performance at the National Theater.
Charles Houston, a Harvard Law School graduate and a law professor at Howard University, first started a campaign in the 1930s to challenge racial discrimination in federal courts. Houston's campaign against Jim Crow Laws begins with Plessy v. Ferguson and culminated in a Supreme Court ruling unanimously at Brown v. Board of Education .
Ron Dellums' campaign to end racist and apartheid policies in South Africa was successful when the House of Representatives passed the Anti-Apartheid Anti-apartheid Anti-Apartheid Act which called for a trade embargo against South Africa and direct divestment by American companies.
Martin Luther King Jr. is a recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, given "to the most committed person or the best job for the fraternity of nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for holding and promoting the peace congress." Presidential Medal of Freedom, designed to recognize individuals - individuals who have made "tremendous contributions to the security or national interests of the United States, world peace, culture or other public or private endeavor", have been granted to many members including Edward Brooke and William Coleman. The Congressional Gold Medal, the highest civilian award of the United States Congress, was awarded to Jesse Owens and Vice President Hubert Humphrey. The Spingarn Medal, given annually by the NAACP for outstanding achievements by a Black American, has been given to the brothers John Hope Franklin, Rayford Logan and many members of the fraternity.
Premier Norman Manley is Rhodes Scholar (1914), given annually by Rhodes Trust based in Oxford on the basis of academic and character achievement. Randal Pinkett, Andrew Zawacki, and Westley Moore are other Rhodes Scholar recipients.
A number of buildings and monuments are named after the Alpha people such as Eddie Robinson Stadium, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, Baltimore-Washington Thurgood Marshall International Airport, Whitney Young Memorial Bridge, and WEB Du Library Bois at the University Massachusetts Amherst. The United States Postal Service has honored members of the fraternity of W. E. B. Du Bois, Duke Ellington, Martin Luther King Jr., Thurgood Marshall, Paul Robeson, and Whitney Young with the stamp of warnings in their Black Heritage Stamp series.
General President Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Egyptian Symbolism
Alpha Phi Alpha uses motifs from Ancient Egypt and uses drawings and songs depicting Her-em-akhet (Great Sphinx Giza), pharaohs, and other Egyptian artifacts to represent the organization. The Great Sphinx Giza is made of an integrated body of stone representing the brotherhood and its members. This is in contrast to other fraternities that have traditionally echoed the theme of the golden age of Ancient Greece. Alpha's constant reference to Ethiopia in singing and poetry is a further example of Alpha's mission to instill itself with African cultural heritage. The brotherhood of Charles H. Wesley writes, "For the brotherhood of Alpha Phi Alpha, the history and civilization of Africa, the Sphinx, and Ethiopian tradition bring new meaning and this is interpreted with a new meaning for others. The Great Pyramid of Giza, the symbol of the foundation, the sacred geometry and more, is another African image chosen by Alpha Phi Alpha as an iconic fraternity.
The 21st General President of the fraternity, Thomas W. Cole once said, "Alpha Phi Alpha must return to its ultimate roots and then he can be nurtured for full bloom." Members of the fraternity make a pilgrimage to his spiritual birthplace in Egypt to walk across the sand of Giza Plateau to the Great Sphinx of Giza and the Great Pyramids of Giza, and to Ethiopia.
Centennial Celebration
Alpha Phi Alpha declared 2006 as the beginning of "Centennial Era" as it was prepared for its Centenary, framed by the slogan "First of all, All Waiters, We Will Go All". This preparation consists of national events and events, including the execution of intellectual and scientific works, exhibition presentations, lectures, artwork and musical exposition, film production and video presentations and Centennial Convention 25-30 July 2006, in Washington, DC
The Hundred Year Celebration Celebration 2006 was launched with a "pilgrimage" to Cornell University on November 19, 2005. The event brought more than 700 members of the fraternity gathered for the full day program. Members travel across the campus and launch a new hundred year anniversary for Alpha Phi Alpha. Memorial - a wall in the form of "J" in recognition of the Gem - has benches and placards and is located in front of the university Barnes Hall.
Alpha Phi Alpha Men: Century of Leadership is a historical documentary on Alpha Phi Alpha's leadership and service. The film premiered in February 2006 on PBS as part of the Black History Month 2006 theme, "Celebrating Community: A Tribute to Black Fraternal, Social and Civic Institutions." In 2009, the fraternity donated a repository of interviews with leading Alpha members collected for documentaries to the Cornell University Library.
The Centennial Convention, called "Reflecting the Rich Past, Looking For a Bright Future," began on Capitol Hill with congressman and fraternity David Scott who told the House of Representatives, "This week people from every discipline and geographical location come together to create charts and plans for the future of the fraternity, celebrate the 100th anniversary, and revive the principles of scholarship establishment, fellowship, good character, and humanitarian improvement. "House of Representatives outperformed the House Concurrent Resolution 384 , approved 422-0, which recognizes and honors Alpha Phi Alpha as a Greek brotherhood-the first interfaith letter established for African Americans, its accomplishments and its historical milestone.
The resolution was sponsored by eight members of the House of Representatives who were members of Alpha Phi Alpha which included Emanuel Cleaver, Robert Scott and Chaka Fattah. While in Washington, members of the fraternity such as the head of the National Urban League, Marc Morial and Congressman Gregory Meeks witnessed the renewal of the Select Act Act of 1965 by President George W. Bush during a signing ceremony at the White House. Award to Martin Luther King Jr. with a one hour reflection on the King Memorial site witnessed by General President Alpha (s) and a number of fraternity members gathered for the convention. Grammy Award-winning Lionel Richie gave a show for fraternity at John F. Kennedy Center.
The House of Alpha, Alpha Phi Alpha Centennial Exhibition, opens its doors at the convention. Herman "Skip" Mason served as the exhibition curator, who has been described as a "fraternity masterpiece." Featured materials are part of Alpha Phi Alpha recordings and local chapters, and private collections of fraternal members. Mason was inaugurated as 33rd President General in January 2009.
Greek Greek Movement
Blacks call themselves Greeks because "Greece is a culturally diverse pluralistic society of various ethnic and racial groups - like the United States today, but mostly black and brown citizens," according to Alpha reporter and Alpha member Tony Brown.
Alpha Phi Alpha is the first inter-university Greek-speaking brotherhood in the United States founded for people of African descent, and a paragon for the Greek Black Letter Organization (BGLO) that followed. Alpha Kappa Alpha was founded in 1908 at Howard University both as the first African-American community and the first BGLO was founded in a black college. The other four BGLO sequentially quickly at Howard: Omega Psi Phi (1911), Delta Sigma Theta (1913), Phi Beta Sigma (1914) and Zeta Phi Beta (1920). Kappa Alpha Psi was founded at Indiana University in 1911. Sigma Gamma Rho (1922) and Iota Phi Theta (1963) were founded at Butler University and Morgan State University, respectively.
In 1940, Alpha Phi Alpha, Alpha Kappa Alpha, and Kappa Alpha Psi held a convention at the Kansas City City Auditorium, Missouri and hosted a historic BGLO session.
Important controversy
In 1989, Joel Harris, age 18, a student at Morehouse College, died after suffering what County Cobb County investigators called "intensive anxiety and stress" after dreaming of separation. Harris had been punched in the chest and slapped his face several times as part of what he called "thunder and lightning" a few hours before his death.
In 1992, Gregory R. Batipps, age 20, a student at the University of Virginia, died in a car accident after falling asleep behind the wheel. He is sleep deprived because of hazing while promising Alpha Phi Alpha.
In 1995, a pledge to join the most prestigious chapter, Alpha Chapter at Cornell University, developed "life-threatening infections on the buttocks" after being repeatedly beaten. He sued the fraternity for $ 2 million and the brotherhood was banned from campus for several years for violating school code of ethics.
In 2003, a 21-year-old boy at Southern Methodist University (SMU) suffered a coma after being forced to drink large amounts of water in the Alpha Phi Alpha initiation ritual. The chapter was temporarily excluded from the campus and eight members of Alpha Phi Alpha were charged on charges of assault on crime. In 2006, the first trial in the case, Raymond Lee (a member of the high school fraternity), resulted in conviction and sentence of up to 180 days in prison, ten years probation, and a $ 10,000 fine.
In 2008, Mcandy Douarin, age 26, a student at the University of Central Florida (UCF), died of a haze caused by heart failure when promising Alpha Phi Alpha. Douarin shared with his family that he was often beaten on the chest by Alpha Phi Alpha members as part of the binding process and his family released a bruised photo on his chest to validate that that was the reason why he died. Despite photographs and statements released from UCF students validating that Douarin promised a fraternity, the university refused to start an investigation of any allegations against them after the fraternity declared that Douarin had not formally applied for membership. The family hired a lawyer to help hold the brotherhood accountable for his death.
In 2009, a member of the fraternity at Fort Valley State University was arrested and charged with aggravated battery crime for hospitalization of appointment with acute kidney failure.
In 2010, the brotherhood was banned from the Mercer University campus for three years due to her hazing. Promise less sleep, rowing, and impose a strict diet.
In 2010, Alpha Phi Alpha suspended its membership "after several decades linked to the controversy that plagued the Black Greek Letters Organization despite anti-pledge/anti-pledge policies."
In 2011, Emory University postponed the fraternity for four years due to several violations of the hazing.
In 2013, 15 Alpha Phi Alpha members pleaded guilty to allegations of reckless harm due to off-camping haze at Jacksonville State University in 2011, where promises were beaten, humiliated, hospitalized, and forced to drink poisoned drinks until they vomited. The members involved were all sentenced to 365 days in prison. One of the pledges filed a civil suit against the brotherhood.
In 2013, four Alpha Phi Alpha members were arrested and pleaded guilty to severe beatings (allegations of lawlessness) and violated the University of Virginia ethics code.
In 2014, a $ 3 million lawsuit was filed against the fraternity by a former pledge that is subject to humiliation and harassment. While promised at Bowie State University, it was reported that he experienced verbal attacks, punches, slaps, rowing, and slamming bodies consistently.
In 2014, six Alpha Phi Alpha men at the University of Akron were arrested and charged with assault by a very violent beating. One appointment is known to be hospitalized for excessive bleeding.
In 2014, the University of Tennessee in Knoxville suspends fraternity to pedal and pour spicy sauce on genital appointments. Brotherhood is placed on suspension until August 2016.
By 2015, the University of Texas at San Antonio suspends fraternity until at least December 31, 2018 for beating pledges with oars and failure to report hazing.
On January 29, 2016, Bradley Doyley, senior player and basketball player at Buffalo State College was declared dead due to a blurring ritual. Doyley as a promissory prompted to drink unidentified toxic cocktails off campus by Alpha Phi Alpha's members caused him to suddenly vomit blood according to his close family friend. Doyley was taken to a local hospital for emergency surgery where he eventually died. The chapter connected to Doyley's death has been suspended by college and fraternal members are being investigated on murder charges. Doyley four months of graduation.
In 2016, Virginia Tech University prohibits brotherhood until 2026 for abusing promises and offenses. One appointment was known to be hospitalized for the beating she was experiencing.
The history, leadership, membership, activities, and continued progress of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated have been documented in a number of publications.
Documentary movie
- Alpha Phi Alpha Men: Leadership Age , 2006, producer/director: Alamerica Bank/Rubicon Productions
Membership fees
- Alumni - $ 1,400
- New students - $ 1,276
- College college - $ 1,201
- Junior College - $ 1,126
- College senior - $ 1,051
A non-refundable administrative fee of $ 275 is included in the above fees.
See also
- List of Greek organizations and African-American fraternities
- List of national conventions Alpha Phi Alpha
- Hancock House (Bluefield, West Virginia)
- List of fraternities and social treasures
- List of death slogans
- a. ^ NNA estimates that by 1940, the group had gotten 5,106 jobs for blacks because businesses could not lost sales during the Depression.
- b. ^ South Africa officially excludes Walvis Bay from mandate and annexed as South African enclave. Required until after the date for the first democratic elections in South Africa in 1994 have been on
Source of the article : Wikipedia