Anger Management is a psycho-therapeutic program for anger prevention and control. It has been described as spreading anger successfully. Anger is often caused by frustration, or feeling blocked or blocked from something that the subject feels is important. Anger can also be a defensive response to the underlying fear or helplessness. The anger management program regards anger as a motivation caused by identifiable reasons that can be logically analyzed, and where appropriate.
Video Anger management
The ideal goal of anger management is to control and regulate anger so that it does not cause problems. Anger is an active emotion that calls the person who feels it to respond. People get angry at both instigators and incite the lack of interpersonal and social skills to maintain self-control. They can train to respond to their anger as unwanted and unpleasant rather than reacting to their needs. Changing the eye or forgiveness is a tool to turn off anger. Good sleep, exercise, and good diet are tools that can help prevent anger. Professionals dealing with those who have difficulty managing anger include occupational therapists, mental health counselors, drug and alcohol counselors, social workers, psychologists and psychiatrists.
Maps Anger management
The negative effects of anger have been observed throughout history. The counsel against an apparently outrageous anger has been offered by ancient philosophers, godly men, and modern psychologists. In Senate de Young, Seneca the Younger (4 BC - 65 AD) suggests pre-emptively guarding against confrontational situations, taking perspective, and not inciting anger at angry individuals. Another philosopher echoed Seneca with Galen recommending finding a mentor for help in anger reduction. In the Middle Ages, people would serve as two examples of self-control and mediation of disputes caused by anger. Examples of intercession for ordinary people from the wrath of local rulers abound in hagiography. The story of Saint Francis of Assisi and Wolves metaphor Gubbio is one of the famous examples.
In modern times, the concept of controlling anger has been translated into anger management programs based on psychological research. The classic psychotherapy-based anger management interventions originated in the 1970s. Success in treating anxiety with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) therapy developed by Meichebaum inspired Novaco to modify stress inoculation training to be appropriate for anger management. Stress and anger are quite similar so that such modifications can create a successful branch of care. Both stress and anger are caused by external stimuli, mediated by internal processes, and expressed in adaptive or maladaptive forms. Meichebaum, and then Novaco, using each aspect of experiencing the relevant emotions as an opportunity for improving the overall well-being of the patient.
Potential causes of problem development
Medical causes
Drug addiction, alcoholism, mental disability, biochemical changes and PTSD can cause a person to act aggressively against others. Not having enough skill on how to handle yourself when faced with aggression can lead to a very undesirable outcome. These factors are usually associated with a high likelihood of anger, but there are other lesser known factors that can cause people to act in a negative way. Prolonged or intense frustration and frustration contribute to physical conditions such as headaches, digestive problems, high blood pressure and heart disease. Problems associated with feelings of anger may be related to psychological disorders such as anxiety or depression. Angry anger can be a way to try to overcome unhappiness or depression.
Migraines : Migraines can often be associated with aggression rates and the need for anger management. A 2013 study examined migraine and its association with anger problems in children (m = 11.2 years). The patients in this study were divided into the frequency of low migraine attacks (AF), moderate AF, high frequency, and chronic AF migraines. The tendency for participants to inhibit their anger and not attack is found more in children with higher AF. Children who qualify for low AF migraines actually have more expression of anger.
Psycho-social causes
Psycho-social factors such as stress, harassment, social situations or poor families, and poverty can cause anger problems.
Traumatic history, especially sexual trauma, can cause AM problems.
Treatment types
Some effective anger management techniques include relaxation techniques, monitored breathing exercises, cognitive restructuring and imaging (eg the Stosny H E spelling image explains what is right and why it makes you respond angry A giving yourself goodness and affection L yourself S overcoming the co-morbid problem phase), troubleshooting, improving communication strategy and interpersonal skills ( DEAR MAN & amp; GIVE ). Below are the specific types of management anger management approaches supported by empirical studies. Some of the studies that were examined using self-reports, which some psychologists believe may be a limitation for results. People do not want others to regard them as angry individuals, so their answers can be changed to fit the people's desire to behave.
Prevention and Relation Improvement Program
The Prevention and Relationship Enhancement (PREP) program is a program used in research consisting of Air Force families. The families are assigned to a traditional multi-partner group format or self-directed version of the book focusing on relationship satisfaction and anger management skills. There are significant main effects for time-related relationship satisfaction (pretest M = 49.8, SD = 17.6; post-test M = 53.8, SD = 17.6, F (1, 76) = 6.91, p & lt01), and anger management skills, (pretest M = 32.2, SD = 4.2; post-test M = 34.6, SD = 4.0, F (1, 74) = 31.79, p & lt;.001).
The self-directed version of the book does not show positive results. Improving partner anger management skills can be an important step in ensuring there is no violent outbreak across relationships.
Cognitive behavioral therapy
The use of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) often occurs in the treatment of anger management. By trying to get the patient to open up about their emotions and feelings and be encouraged to complete a specific task (in this case controlling anger), a person is motivated cognitively to use positive skills towards their behavior.
Studies show using a mixture of CBT as well as other therapies on participants/clients increase the effective use of anger management techniques and that they also feel more able to control their own anger. This personal change can lead to less aggression and less violence. The use of play therapy with this is also found to be efficient in overcoming anger problems among children.
Positive mental and personal development
This is a style commonly used in elementary schools for students who express anger anger. Researchers who have seen the reason for the anger of young learners have found that one common reason is the inability to adapt socially. The students selected for this study receive an hour-long session each day throughout a school week. Researchers from the mentalization program educate children through group therapy in positive psychology and try to do activities that put children in a happy atmosphere while interacting. At the end of the week, research shows that there is a negative correlation between anger and social adjustment. This process lowers the overall anger rate of students involved in social adjustment deficits.
The use of personal development (PD) leads to a higher view of themselves and a more positive self-esteem. Aggression has proven to be the result of poor self-esteem and thinks that the people around us do not care or support us, so this PD is very important in helping to change one's self perception.
Anger Journal
Understanding your own emotions can be an important part of learning how to deal with anger. Children who write down their negative emotions in "anger diaries" actually end up increasing their emotional understanding, which in turn causes less aggression. When dealing with their emotions, children demonstrate the ability to learn best by looking at direct examples of events that lead to a certain degree of anger. By looking at the reasons why they are angry, they can in the future try to avoid those actions or prepare for the feelings they experience if they find themselves doing something that usually makes them angry.
There is not enough evidence of this that needs to be applied in primary school, but this is a common tool used in therapy, so it can cause children to write down their negative feelings and anger and help them to reevaluate their positions and take personal time to calm themselves down rather than hit and take aggressive action directly.
Other evidence-based approach
Anger management interventions are based on cognitive behavioral techniques and follow a three-step process. First, clients learn to identify situations that potentially trigger anger. The situation that generates anger is often referred to as a gesture of anger. If potential triggers can be avoided, individuals can not only avoid unwanted outbursts, but also avoid internal conflicts. Often anger occurs through automatic thinking and irrational beliefs, this poses a problem for treatment because patients can respond too quickly to change their mind or behavior. Wright, Day & amp; Howells calls this phenomenon a "hijacking of the cognitive system by the emotional system". Second, relaxation techniques are taught as appropriate responses to identified situations. Common techniques include regulating breathing and physically removing themselves from the situation. Finally, role plays are used to practice the application of techniques learned for future meetings to situations that trigger anger in the lives of individuals. The end result of the repetition is the automatic response of the useful technique learned. Modification of each common step generates a different program. In addition, various areas of psychology will change aspects of the above three-step process, which is primarily based on behavior-cognitive therapy. Groups, family, and relaxation therapy only contribute to each of the various anger management programs available.
Relaxation therapy can reduce cognition and motivation to act, and through relaxation, clients gain coping skills to better manage their anger. This therapy addresses various aspects of anger such as physiological, cognitive, behavioral, and social. These aspects are combined what makes relaxation an effective treatment for anger. The technique of mindfulness therapy tries to teach the client the acceptance of body sensations and emotions. Full attention comes from the Eastern spiritual tradition practiced through meditation. The two-way awareness component includes: self-regulation and orientation to the current moment. This therapeutic technique center experiences the moment in a non-judgmental way that reflects meditation. In practice, the client observes breathing, sitting and walking during meditation. The goal is for the client to understand that his thoughts about anger are just thoughts rather than reality. Mindfulness is also a technique used in the relaxation approach, as this technique stops physiological arousal. Rational emotional behavior therapy explains anger through the client's beliefs and emotions, rather than the event itself. This concept involves the client interpreting events in a rational way to avoid irrational thinking that causes anger. The delayed reaction technique is when clients try to uncover what makes them angry before acting on their anger. This allows them to have the time to change what makes them angry and increase the time before their response; This encourages thinking at a more rational level. In addition, clients are also encouraged to avoid demands in anti-oppressive order to avoid anger. An example of a request placed on a client might be, "I must do this by my standards". Research begins to show that better individuals understand what anger management is and how it can help them personally and in relationships, less aggressive action possible.
The success rate of anger treatment can be difficult to estimate due to overuse, severe anger is not a known disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders . This manual is used as a reference for mental health professionals. Some studies do exist in comparing various treatments for anger, but they also explain the methodological difficulty in making accurate comparisons. The best practice for anger treatment is to use many techniques rather than a single technique. The relaxation approach has the highest success rate as self-care. The effectiveness of CBT-based anger management therapy has been evaluated by a number of meta-analyzes. In a 1998 meta-analysis with 50 studies and 1640 individuals, anger and aggression measurements were used to compare the effects of intervention management anger without treatment. A significant effect for anger management was found with a 67% chance of improvement for individuals who had received anger management compared to individuals without therapy. In addition, the 2009 meta-analysis compares psychological treatments for anger in 96 studies. After an average of 8 sessions, a significant increase in anger reduction is generated. Overall, completion of anger management programs tends to result in a long-lasting positive behavioral change. Successful interventions can result in not only a reduction in the outward appearance of aggression, but also a decrease in internal anger.
Because anger is a psychological problem, treating it with drugs is a secondary approach line. However, if there are medical reasons for an anger response certain psychotropic medications are prescribed by a doctor to complete psychotherapy interventions. Medications include Antidepressants, Anti-psychotic, Anti-seizure and Beta blockers. These medicines do not specifically target anger directly, but they have a calming outcome that can support the control of anger and negative feelings.
Valerian root and Saffron yarn are herbal supplements that should help lower stress and enhance feelings of calm. Passionflower and chamomile are generally consumed in tea to support mood by reducing anxiety.
Affected population
One of the motivations for seeking anger management can be linked to a career. As a preventive and corrective tool, anger management is available to help individuals address aspects that potentially provoke anger from their work. One such situation applies to caregivers of individuals with mental illness. Daily stress combined with slow or no progress at all with people under their care can create a high degree of frustration. Skills training for family caregivers with dementia has been developed to help overcome these feelings of frustration in a positive way.
Anger management is also useful in law enforcement. The role of police officers is to protect civilians, however, conflicts between the police and the general public can flourish. The purpose of anger management is to reduce incidents such as police brutality from the negative impact of relations between law enforcement and citizens. Anger management programs designed to achieve this goal can lead themselves in this direction by focusing on conflict resolution and including special law enforcement scenarios in training. This need is noted by Novaco, who originally designed interventions for anger management based on cognitive behavioral therapy, resulting in special skills training programs for law enforcement.
Couples who are also on the verge of dissolving their marriage need to understand what to do about intimate partner violence, and the more people who know about how to manage their anger, the better prepared they are when confronted with problems with others.
Children and teenagers
The ability of children to understand their emotions and how to react in certain situations can greatly increase their chances of expressing themselves in the right way. A 2010 study from the Journal of Applied Psychology sees four grade 4 boys taking part in activities different from school psychologists, from how to handle emotions to practice anger reduction strategies. They found a positive correlation between taking part in these meetings and reducing the anger in many locations (school, home, etc.).
Anger-based behavior management programs have been modified for children and adolescents. There are three common types of CBT aimed at youth. First, the development of life skills (communication, empathy, firmness, etc.) Using modeling to teach the right reaction to anger. Second, effective education focuses on identifying feelings of anger and relaxation. Finally, problem solving conveys the cause and effect for situations as an alternative to anger. Various methods can be used to convey these three components, with age and severity as an important factor. For younger children, engagement can be improved by presenting anger management in a more pleasing format with available games and educational activities. For adolescents, group therapy can be an effective form given the similarity with the natural social environment of the individual. The severity of the anger problem expressed is often related to the intensity of the subsequent anger management program. Some violent explosions in the classroom setting may result in several sessions with school counselors. However, worse juvenile delinquency may result in court-directed anger management sessions mandated by courts in juvenile prisons.
The effectiveness of anger management has been studied in children and adolescents for the purpose of evaluating existing programs and designing more effective programs. In a meta-analysis of 40 studies, an overall effect size of 0.67 was found for the treatment of anger management of CBT, suggesting anger management as a legitimate approach to the degree of angry problem. Skill development (0.79) and problem solving (0.67) both had a higher impact than affective education (0.36). This is believed because the behavioral aspect becomes easier delivered than cognitive for children. The true value of early intervention aimed at youth comes from the prevention aspect. Suspending negative behavior early in life can lead to a more positive outlook as an adult.
Individuals with intellectual disabilities
Individuals with intellectual disabilities can struggle with managing anger. When confronted with aggression from individuals with intellectual disabilities, caregivers often use a combination of four different strategies. Depending on the settings and the individual, the following strategies to minimize aggression present in different ways.
- Reactive strategy - Aims to minimize the impact of aggressive behavior using existing protocols. Ex. Isolation was forced after the start of the violent explosion.
- Ecological interventions - Seeks to reduce the level of aggression by altering environmental aspects for a more soothing effect. Ex. Reduces ambient noise to reduce irritation.
- Contingency management - Focuses on behavior modification through a combination of reinforcement and punishment. Ex. Use token economics to enforce rules about behavior.
- Positive programming - Teach positive reaction skills as an alternative to aggression. Ex. Anger management with CBT background.
The need for anger management is also evident in situations where individuals with intellectual disabilities are given psychotropic drugs as a result of aggressive behavior and/or self-injury. The role of drugs as chemical restraint does not help change the cause of aggression. Sedation is best used as emergency measures with skills training as a long-term solution to reduce the overall rate of violent incidents. In a meta-analysis that reviewed 80 studies, behavior-based interventions were found to be generally effective in modifying behavior. In addition, cognitive behavioral therapy as managed by the aw therapist is found to be effective, which supports the feasibility of the anger management program.
This is a group that the majority of the population may not relate to the problem of AM, but research shows more than half of Americans with intellectual disabilities displaying violent and aggressive acts on a regular basis. People with learning disabilities tend to express anger and aggression even to those who help them every day. Adults with high-risk intellectual disabilities act aggressively and are sent to the clinic for their actions.
The "mind theory" approach states that people with anger management problems tend to be mentally unstable and unable to internalize any errors of their actions. One of the main reasons for the outburst of anger is to blame the externalities and have a quick push to attack. These individuals need to have a better understanding of what their actions mean and that they should understand that blaming themselves for problems can sometimes be the right thing to do.
Cruel criminals
One study found that offenders who are currently in high-security hospitals undergoing a self-report class 20 course program have very positive results. Self-report results show a decrease in aggression and a lack of response when angry. There are two issues to keep in mind though; hospital settings and settings in which the researchers do not want to provoke anger because of patient instability.
In a meta-analysis study consisting of a study completed from 1979 to 2010, school-aged children who were identified as having aggressive personalities were assigned different classes of anger management. Overall, the results show slightly positive results for children who receive classes (less aggression). The courses aim to reduce negative emotions in children and try to help them control themselves. Although no thorough conclusions can be made, the researchers state that children through anger management courses are better equipped to fight their anger internally and are less likely to act.
Substance users
No statistical information shows people who abuse substances also have high levels of aggressive action. However, researchers believe this is a group of people to be studied because of their questionable decision making and generally unstable mental health. Substance agents can benefit from anger management to prevent potential aggression.
Individual post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) individuals
This group can take advantage of expanded CBT to handle anger management issues. One study dealing with n = 86 war veterans found that during 12 training sessions, the nature of anger declined slightly as well as a small reduction in expressing anger. Research also shows that their antisocial personality traits after return can put them behind in society, so finding the right anger management course is very important. There are no significant findings from this study to recommend veterans with PTSD to use the CBT anger management course.
People with traumatic brain injury
People with traumatic brain injury (TBI) may display impulsive, aggressive and dangerous actions. A study in Brain Injury shows that one way to prevent such action is a community-based treatment of people with TBI. Results indicated that the need to remove was reduced after the 12-week program, and a series of post-treatment tests showed a decrease in the frequency of self-reported rage. Other specific results include: a significant decrease in the frequency of feeling angry and the frequency of expression of outer anger as well as a significant increase in the frequency of controlling feelings of anger.
Associated person
One of the first to learn anger and anger control was the Roman philosopher Seneca. He studied the anger during his life, c. 4 BC - 65 AD, and from his experience and observations he formulated ways to control anger. This can be regarded as the initial form of anger management. Seneca noted the importance of avoiding being angry, how to stop being angry, and how to face anger at others.
Another theoretician who came after Seneca was Galen, a Roman-era philosopher, who built the work of Seneca to formulate new ideas in anger management. Galen emphasized the importance of a mentor to help overcome the excessive anger.
Peter Stearns
Peter Stearns plays an important role in examining the differences between the sexes. Stearns concludes that there are similarities between men and women who experience anger. June Crawford came up with the opposite idea of ​​how both sexes face anger. His research concluded that men and women face anger in different ways.
Raymond Novaco
The works of Raymond Novaco in the 1970s have contributed to many recent notions of anger management. These ideas have led to the adoption of different anger management programs. Novaco stressed the importance of seeing situations that lead to anger to control anger. He states that anger is an emotional response to a situation, and that anger occurs in three modalities, either cognitively, somatikafectively or behaviorally. After finding anger, there should be discussion and self-examination to ease anger. This process is thought to help clients identify situations that lead to anger and handle anger depending on the angry steps that occur. Clients can use different relaxation skills to reduce their anger before progress.
The benefits of managing anger bring about a reduction in success in anger and violent outbursts. Personal relationships previously tense by high levels of aggression can be improved. Professionally, relationships in the workplace have the same results that are beneficial to individual careers and personal satisfaction. By law, the continued presence of anger management programs, mandated or not, can be seen as a sign of good faith. For imprisoned individuals, previous parole periods can be the result of good behavior learned from anger management classes. From an emotional point of view, reducing the internal level of anger produces a decrease in stress and an overall increase in happiness as a result.
From a medical point of view, physical illness also rises from changes in emotions and positive behavior. Anger management style and overall anger have been associated with acute and chronic pain sensitivity. Blood pressure is another physiological aspect that is affected by anger, with increased levels of anger that correlate with high blood pressure. The implications of the effects on blood pressure for overall health are made clear by the relationship between high blood pressure and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Increased efficacy of the immune system has also been observed as a result of increased relaxation rates. Successful anger management can also lead to a longer life span as a whole due to the decline in reckless behavior and violent conflict.
There are a number of factors that can decrease the likelihood of successful anger management intervention. One such obstacle is the level of individual motivation. Overall low readiness is a barrier to anger management effectiveness due to lower attendance rates and negative effects on therapeutic alliances. Unintentional assignments to anger management programs, such as court mandate sessions, will result in lower average motivation levels than voluntary acceptance. In a study with imprisoned prisoners, there was a correlation found between individual readiness and improvement.
In addition, given the component of anger as a social construction, the difficulties with intercultural communication can serve as another barrier. What is regarded as an appropriate expression of anger is culturally dependent. Therefore, incompatibility between the client and the therapist can lead to misunderstandings about the ultimate goal of the program. For example, a client can only hope to reduce physical violence, while the therapist aims to reduce both verbal and physical explosions. Expectations of anger expressions that depend on gender can also contribute to social standards. The same violent explosion for men and women is subject to different interpretations because anger is seen as more permissible in men.
The cost of taking anger management can also be a significant obstacle if the person does not have health insurance. The time required for anger management depends on the program. A one-hour session per week with eight to 12 sessions per program is common, but an intensive daily session session also exists. Monetary costs can amount to $ 90- $ 120 per session for general therapy, or a much higher fee for special training. The availability of local anger management programs can be a problem for more isolated areas, creating additional costs for travel. However, online options can follow the same structure as direct intervention with similar results.
See also
External links
- American Psychological Association - Anger
- Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) tips
- Psychological Aid
- Anger Management Villanova University, Pennsylvania
Source of the article : Wikipedia