Jumat, 29 Juni 2018

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Good Personal Hygiene: A Guide To Good Health & Life - AetosEye
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Hygiene is a set of practices undertaken to maintain health. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), "Hygiene refers to conditions and practices that help maintain health and prevent the spread of disease." Personal hygiene refers to the maintenance of body hygiene.

Many people equate cleanliness with 'cleanliness', but cleanliness is a broad term. This includes personal habits such as how often to bathe, wash hands, trim your fingernails, and change clothes. It also includes attention to keeping surfaces at home and work, including bathroom facilities, clean and pathogen-free.

Some regular hygiene practices can be considered good habits by the community, while ignoring cleanliness can be considered disgusting, disrespectful, or threatening.

Video Hygiene


First proved in English in 1677, the word hygiene comes from the French hygiÃÆ'¨ne , which weakens from the Greek ??????? (?????) hugiein? techn? , which means "(art) health", from ???????? hugieinos , "good for health, healthy", in turn from ????? ( hugi? ), "healthy, healthy, beneficial, healthy". In ancient Greek religion, Hygeia (??????) was the personification of health, hygiene, and hygiene.

Maps Hygiene

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Cleanliness is a concept related to hygiene, health and medicine. It is also related to personal and professional care practices. In the world of medicine and everyday life, hygiene practices are used as a precautionary measure to reduce the incidence and spread of disease.

Hygiene practices vary, and what is considered acceptable in one culture may be unacceptable in one culture.

In the manufacture of food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and other products, good hygiene is an important component of quality assurance.

The terms cleanliness and hygiene are often used interchangeably, which can cause confusion. In general, hygiene refers to practices that prevent the spread of disease-causing organisms. The cleaning process (eg, hand washing) removes microbial infections as well as dirt and soil, and thus often becomes a means to achieve cleanliness.

Other uses of this term appear in phrases including body hygiene, personal hygiene, sleep hygiene, mental hygiene, dental hygiene, and occupational hygiene used in relation to public health. Cleanliness is also the name of the branch of science related to health promotion and preservation.

Student Blog: Hygiene
src: www.theplf.org

Medical hygiene

Medical hygiene is related to hygiene practices related to drug delivery and medical care that prevent or minimize the spread of disease.

Medical hygiene practices include:

  • Isolate or quarantine people or transmitters to prevent the spread of infection.
  • Sterilization of instruments used in surgical procedures.
  • The use of protective clothing and obstructions, such as masks, dresses, hats, glasses, and gloves.
  • Proper bandages and dressings.
  • Safe disposal of medical waste.
  • Reusable disinfection (ie, linen, pads, uniform).
  • Clean, wash hands, especially in the operating room, but in more general health care settings as well, where the disease can be transmitted.

Most of these practices were developed in the 19th century and were well established in the mid-20th century. Several procedures (such as medical waste disposal) were refined in response to outbreaks of disease in the late 20th century, notably AIDS and Ebola.

How to Celebrate National Dental Hygiene Month
src: fairfielddentalarts.com

Home and daily hygiene

Home hygiene is related to hygiene practices that prevent or minimize the spread of the disease at home and other daily arrangements such as social arrangements, public transport, workplaces, public places etc.

Cleanliness in a variety of settings plays an important role in preventing the spread of infectious diseases. These include procedures used in various domestic situations such as hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene, food and water hygiene, general home hygiene (environmental and surface site hygiene), domestic animal care, and home health care (treatment of those at risk a larger infection).

Currently, this component of hygiene tends to be perceived as a separate issue, albeit based on the same underlying microbiological principles. Preventing the spread of disease means breaking the chain of transmission of infection. Simply put, if the infection chain breaks down, the infection can not spread. In response to the need for an effective home hygiene code and daily life arrangements, the International Scientific Forum on Hygiene has developed a risk-based approach based on the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP), also referred to as "cleanliness targets". Hygiene targets are based on identification of pathogenic dispersal routes at home and introducing hygiene practices at a critical time to break the chain of infection.

The main sources of infection at home are people (who are carriers or infected), food (especially raw foods) and water, and pets (in the US more than 50% of homes have one or more pets). Sites that accumulate stagnant water - such as washbasins, toilets, waste pipes, cleaning tools, face cloth - are ready to support microbial growth and can become secondary reservoirs of infection, although most species are those who threaten the "at risk" group. Pathogens (potentially infectious bacteria, viruses etc..-- colloquially called "germs") are constantly shed from these sources through mucous membranes, feces, vomit, skin scales, etc. Thus, when circumstances combine, people are exposed, either directly or through food or water, and can develop an infection.

The main "roads" for the spread of pathogens in the home are the surface of hands, hands and food contacts, and cleaning cloths and equipment. Pathogens can also be spread through household clothing and linens, such as towels. Utilities such as toilets and sinks, for example, are created to handle human waste safely but still have risks associated with it. Safe disposal of human waste is a fundamental need; Poor sanitation is a major cause of diarrheal diseases in low-income communities. Respiratory viruses and fungal spores spread through the air.

Good home hygiene means engaging in hygiene practices at critical points to break the chain of infection. Because the "dose of infection" for some pathogens can be very small (10-100 units are feasible or even less for some viruses), and infections may result from direct transfer of pathogens from the surface through the hands or food to the mouth, nasal or eye mucosa, hygienic cleansing 'should be sufficient to remove pathogens from the critical surface.

Hygienic cleaning can be done through:

  • Mechanical removal (ie, cleaning) using soap or detergent. To be effective as a hygiene action, this process must be followed by a thorough rinse under running water to remove pathogens from the surface.
  • Use a process or product that disables an in situ pathogen. Pathogen killing is achieved by using "micro-biocide" products, ie disinfectant or antibacterial products; hand sanitizer; or with hot apps.
  • In some cases, removal of combined pathogens by kill is used, for example, laundry and household linen such as towels and bed linen.


Hand hygiene is defined as washing hands or washing hands and nails with soap and water or using a hand sanitizer without water. Hand hygiene is essential to prevent the spread of infectious diseases at home and the regulation of everyday life.

In situations where handwashing with soap is not an option (for example, when in a public place without access to a washing facility), a waterless hand cleaner such as an alcohol hand gel may be used. They can be used in addition to hand washing to minimize risk when treating "risky" groups. To be effective, hand gel alcohol should contain not less than 60% v/v of alcohol.

The World Health Organization recommends washing hands with ash if soap is not available in an emergency, schools without access to soap and other difficult situations such as post-emergency where the use of sand (clean) is also recommended. The use of ash is common in rural areas of the developing world and in experiments has been shown to be at least as effective as soap to remove pathogens.

Respiratory hygiene

The correct breathing and hand hygiene when coughing and sneezing reduce the spread of pathogens especially during winter and flu.

  • Bring the network and use it to catch cough and sneeze
  • Remove network as soon as possible
  • Clean your hands by washing your hands or using an alcohol hand sanitizer.

Food hygiene at home

Food hygiene is related to hygiene practices that prevent food poisoning. The five main principles of food hygiene, according to WHO, are:

  1. Prevent food contamination by mixing chemicals, spreading from humans, and animals.
  2. Separate raw and cooked foods to prevent contamination of cooked food.
  3. Cook food for the appropriate time period and at the appropriate temperature to kill the pathogen.
  4. Store food at the right temperature.
  5. Use safe water and raw materials.

Hygiene in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet

Routine cleaning (hand, food, drinking water) sites and surfaces (such as toilet seat and flush handle, door handle and faucet, work surface, surface of bathtub and basin) in kitchen, bathroom and toilet reduce the risk of pathogen spread.. The risk of infection from toilet flush is not high, provided they are treated well, although some splashes and aerosol formation may occur during rinsing, especially when a person has diarrhea. Pathogens can survive in garbage or scales left in the baths and wash the basin after washing and bathing.

The remaining water stagnant in the shower pipes can be contaminated with pathogens that become airborne when the shower is turned on. If the bath is not used for some time, it should be allowed to run at a hot temperature for several minutes before use.

Thorough cleaning is important in preventing the spread of fungal infections. Mushrooms can live on walls and floor tiles and in shower curtains. Fungi can be responsible for infections, causing allergic reactions, damaging/damaging surfaces and causing unpleasant odors. The main location of fungus growth is the dead surface, including carpet and soft furnishings. Airborne fungi are usually associated with wet conditions, poor ventilation or closed air systems.

Hygiene cleanliness

Hygiene hygiene involves practices that prevent disease and its spread through dirty linen and household linen such as towels. The items most likely to be contaminated with the pathogens are those that come into direct contact with the body, for example, underwear, personal towels, facecloth, diapers. Fabrics or other fabrics used during food preparation, or for cleaning toilets or cleaning materials such as faeces or vomiting are special risks.

Microbiological and epidemiological data show that household clothing and linen etc. Is a risk factor for transmission of infections at home and the setting of daily life and institutional arrangements. The lack of quantitative data linking clothing contaminated with infections in the home environment makes it difficult to assess the extent of these risks. It also shows that the risks of household clothing and linen are somewhat less than those associated with hands, hand contact and food contact surfaces, and cleaning cloths, but nevertheless these risks need to be managed through effective laundering practices. At home, this routine should be done as part of a multibarrier approach to cleanliness that includes hands, food, breathing and other hygiene practices.

The risk of contagious diseases from contaminated clothing etc. May increase significantly under certain conditions, for example, in health care settings in hospitals, nursing homes and domestic settings where a person experiences diarrhea, vomiting, or skin infection or injury. This improves the state in which a person has reduced immunity to infection.

Hygienic measures, including laundry hygiene, are an important part in reducing the spread of antibiotic-resistant strains. In the community, a healthy person can be a persistent MRSA skin carrier, or carrier of enterobacterial faecal carrying multi-antibiotic resistance factors (eg, NDM-1 or ESBL producing strains). The risk is not seen until, for example, they are hospitalized, when they can become "self-infected" with their own resistant organisms after the surgical procedure. Because persistent, skin or intestinal deliveries in healthy populations spread "silently" around the world, the risk of resistant strains in hospitals and communities is increasing. Specifically, data indicate that household clothing and linen are risk factors for S. aureus spread (including MRSA and MRSA strains producing PVL), and the effectiveness of the laundry process can be an important factor in determining the extent of community spread of these strains. Experience in the United States shows that these strains can be transmitted in families and in community settings such as prisons, schools and sports teams. Skin-to-skin contact (including skin without bonds) and indirect contact with contaminated objects such as towels, sheets and sports equipment seem to represent a mode of transmission.

During the washing, temperature and detergent work to reduce the level of microbial contamination in the fabric. Soil and microbes from fabric are disconnected and suspended in washing water. It then "drifts" during the rinse cycle and rotates. In addition to physical displacement, microorganisms can be killed by increased thermal inactivation as temperatures increase. Inactivation of microbial chemistry by surfactants and oxygen-based active bleach used in detergents contributes to the effectiveness of cleaning hygiene. Adding hypochlorite bleach in the washing process achieves microbial inactivation. A number of other factors can contribute including drying and ironing.

Laundry detergent contains a mixture of ingredients including surfactants, builders, optical brighteners, etc. The cleaning action mainly arises from the action of surfactants and other materials, designed to maximize the release and suspension of impurities and microbes into the washing liquid, along with enzyme and/or bleach-based active oxygen that digest and remove stains. Although active oxygen bleach is included in many powder detergents to digest and remove stains, it produces several chemical inactivations from bacteria, fungi and viruses. As a rule of thumb, powders and tablets usually contain active oxygen bleach, but the liquid and all products (liquid or powder) used for "coloreds" are not. Surfactants also exert some chemical inactivation measures against certain species even though their level of action is unknown.

In 2013, the International Scientific Forum on Hygiene (IFH) reviewed about 30 studies on the effectiveness of washing hygiene at temperatures ranging from room temperature to 70 ° C, under various conditions. The main findings were the lack of standardization and control in the study, and variability in test conditions between studies such as washing cycle time, number of rinses, etc. Diversity in the data (ie, reduction of contamination of fabric) obtained. , in turn making it very difficult to propose laundering guidelines with any confidence, based on currently available data. Consequently, there is a significant diversity in the recommendations of laundering hygienic clothes etc provided by various institutions.

Of particular concern is the latest data showing that, in fact, modern domestic washing machines do not reach the specified temperature on machine control.

Medical hygiene at home

Medical hygiene is concerned with hygiene practices that prevent or minimize disease and the spread of disease in relation to providing medical care to infected or "at-risk" infected at home. Around the world, governments are increasingly pressured to finance the level of health care people expect. Treatment of increasing the number of patients in the community, including at home is one answer, but can be severely damaged by inadequate infection control at home. Increasingly, all these "at risk" groups are treated at home by caregivers who may be household members who need good hygiene knowledge. People with reduced immunity to infection, treated at home, form an increasing proportion of the population (currently reaching 20%). The largest proportion is the elderly who have comorbidities, which reduce immunity to infection. It also includes very young, patients out of the hospital, taking immunosuppressive drugs or using an invasive system, etc. For patients who are discharged from the hospital, or treated in special "medical hygiene" homes (see above) procedures may be necessary for them eg catheters or dressing substitutes, which put them at higher risk of infection.

Antiseptics may be applied to wounds, scratches on the skin to prevent entry of harmful bacteria that can cause sepsis. Daily hygiene practices, in addition to specific medical hygiene procedures are no different for those at high risk of infection compared to other family members. The difference is that, if hygiene practices are not done correctly, the risk of infection is much greater.

Disinfectants and antibacterials in home hygiene

Chemical disinfectants are products that kill pathogens. If the product is disinfectant, the label on the product must say "disinfectant" or "kill" the pathogen. Some commercial products, e.g. bleach, although they are technically disinfectant, say they "kill the pathogens" but are not actually labeled as "disinfectants". Not all disinfectants kill all types of pathogens. All disinfectants kill bacteria (called bactericide). Some also kill fungi (fungicides), bacterial spores (sporicidal) or virus (virucidal).

Antibacterial products are products that act against bacteria in some unspecified way. Some products are labeled "antibacterial" killer bacteria while others may contain concentrations of active ingredients that only prevent them from multiplying. Therefore, it is important to check whether the product label states that it "kills" the bacteria. "Antibacterials are not necessarily anti-fungal or anti-viral unless this is stated on the label.

The term sanitizer has been used to define clean substances and disinfectants. Recently this term has been applied to alcohol-based products that disinfect hands (alcohol hand rubs). However, alcohol hand sanitizers are not considered effective in dirty hands.

The term biocide is a broad term for substances that kill, disable or control living organisms. These include antiseptics and disinfectants, which combat micro-organisms, and pesticides.

Hygiene in developing countries

In developing countries, universal access to water and sanitation has been seen as an important step in reducing the burden of preventable infectious diseases, but it is now clear that this is best achieved by programs that integrate hygiene promotion with improved water quality and availability, and cleanliness. This approach has been integrated into Sustainable Development Goals Number 6 with a target of both states: "By 2030, achieving access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all and ending defecation, with special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable situations ". Because of their close links, water, sanitation, hygiene are jointly abbreviated and funded under the terms WASH in development cooperation.

About 2 million people die every year from diarrhea, most of them children less than 5 years old. The most affected are the people in developing countries, living in extreme poverty, usually suburban residents or rural residents. Providing access to adequate amounts of safe water, provision of sanitary sewerage facilities, and introducing good hygiene practices is essential to reduce the burden of disease caused by these risk factors.

Research shows that, when practiced widely, washing hands with soap can reduce diarrhea by nearly fifty percent and respiratory infections nearly twenty-five percent Hand washing with soap also reduces the incidence of skin diseases, eye infections such as trachoma and intestinal worms, especially ascariasis. and trichuriasis.

Other hygiene practices, such as safe waste disposal, surface hygiene, and domestic animal care, are important in low-income communities to break the chain of transmission of infection.

Washing the toilet and hand washing facilities is important to prevent odors and make them socially acceptable. Social acceptance is an important part of encouraging people to use toilets and washing their hands, in situations where indiscriminate defecation is still seen as a possible alternative, for example in rural areas of some developing countries.

Household water treatment and safe storage

Household water treatment and safe storage ensure drinking water is safe for consumption. This intervention is part of the water supply approach for households. The quality of drinking water remains a significant problem in developing and in developed countries; even in Europe it is estimated that 120 million people do not have access to safe drinking water. Water quality interventions at points can reduce diarrheal diseases in communities where water quality is poor or in emergency situations where there is water supply damage. Because water can be contaminated during home storage (eg by contact with contaminated hands or using dirty storage vessels), safe storage of water at home is important.

Methods for drinking water treatment, including:

  1. Chemical disinfection using chlorine or iodine
  2. Boiling
  3. Filtration using ceramic filters
  4. Solar disinfection - Solar disinfection is an effective method, especially when no chemical disinfectant is available.
  5. UV radiation - community or household UV systems can be batches or streams. Lamps can be hung over a drain or submerged in a water stream.
  6. Combined flocculation/disinfection system - available as a powder sachet acting by coagulating and flocculating the sediment in water followed by chlorine release.
  7. Multibarrier methods - Some systems use two or more of the above treatments in combination or in sequence to optimize their effectiveness.

Hygiene Animated Clipart
src: worldartsme.com

Personal hygiene

Personal hygiene involves the practices undertaken by individuals to care for one's health and well-being, through cleanliness. Motivations for personal hygiene practices include personal disease reduction, healing from personal illness, optimal health and sense of well-being, social acceptance and prevention of the spread of disease to others. What is considered appropriate personal hygiene can be culturally specific and may change over time.

Other practices that are generally considered hygienically appropriate include bathing regularly, regular hand washing before handling food, washing hair, keeping hair short or removing hair, wearing clean clothes, brushing teeth, cutting fingernails, in addition to other practices. Some gender-specific practices, such as by a woman during her menstrual cycle.

People tend to develop routines to pay attention to their personal hygiene needs. Other personal hygienic practices include covering the mouth when coughing, proper disposal of dirty tissue, ensuring clean toilets, and ensuring a clean food handling area, in addition to other practices. Some cultures do not kiss or shake hands to reduce bacterial transmission through contact.

Personal care extends personal hygiene as it relates to the maintenance of good personal and public appearances, which do not need to be hygienic. This may involve, for example, using deodorant or perfume, shaving, or combing, in addition to other practices.

Excessive body hygiene

Excessive body hygiene is one example of obsessive compulsive disorder.

Excessive body hygiene and allergies

The hygiene hypothesis was first formulated in 1989 by Strachan who observed that there is an inverse relationship between family size and the development of atopic allergic disorders - the more children in the family, the less likely they are to develop this allergy. From this, he hypothesizes that the lack of exposure to early childhood "infections" transmitted through contact with older siblings could be the cause of the rapid increase of atopic disorders over the past 30 to 40 years. Strachan further proposes that the reason why this exposure no longer occurs is not only because of the smaller family trends, but also "increased household facilities and higher personal hygiene standards".

Although there is substantial evidence that some microbial exposures in early childhood can in some way protect against allergies, there is no evidence that humans need exposure to harmful microbes (infections) or that need to suffer from clinical infections. There is also no evidence that hygiene measures such as hand washing, food hygiene, etc. Associated with increased susceptibility to atopic diseases. If that is the case, there is no conflict between the goal of preventing infection and minimizing allergies. A consensus is now growing among experts that the answer lies in fundamental changes in lifestyle and others that have led to decreased exposure to certain microbes or other species, such as worms, which are essential for the development of immuno-regulatory mechanisms. There is still much uncertainty about what lifestyle factors are involved.

Although media coverage of the hygiene hypothesis has declined, a strong 'collective mindset' has become established that impurities are 'healthy' and hygiene is somehow 'unnatural'. This has raised concerns among health professionals that the daily hygiene behavior, which is the foundation of public health, is being undermined. In response to the need for effective home hygiene and daily life arrangements, the International Scientific Forum on Hygiene has developed a "risk-based" or targeted approach to house hygiene that seeks to ensure that hygiene measures are focused on places, and at the most critical moment for transmission of infection. While hygiene targets were originally developed as an effective approach to hygiene practices, it also seeks, as far as possible, to maintain a "normal" level of exposure to the microbial flora of our environment as far as is essential to building a balanced immune system..

Excessive body hygiene of the internal ear canal

Excessive body hygiene from the ear canal can cause infection or irritation. The ear canal requires less maintenance of body hygiene than any other part of the body, because they are sensitive, and the body cares enough about them. Most of the time the ear canal cleans itself; that is, there is a slow, regular migration of the skin lining the ear canal from the eardrum to the opening of the outer ear. The old earwax is constantly being transported from the deeper areas of the ear canal to the opening where it usually dries, flakes, and falls. The effort to clean the ear canal through ear wasting can reduce the cleanliness of the ear canal by pushing debris and foreign objects to the ear so that the natural movement of ear candles coming out of the ear will disappear.

Excessive application of soaps, creams, and ointments can affect the natural process of the skin. For example, soaps and ointments can drain the skin from natural protective oils and fat-soluble compounds such as cholecalciferol (vitamin D3), and external substances can be absorbed, to disrupt the natural hormone balance.

Oral hygiene

It is recommended that all healthy adults brush twice daily, gently, with the correct technique, replace their toothbrush every few months (~ 3) or after the onset of the disease.

There are some common misconceptions of oral hygiene. It is not right to rinse mouth with water after brushing your teeth. It is also not recommended to brush immediately after drinking the acid, including soda water. It is also recommended to floss once a day, with different thread pieces at each flossing session. The effectiveness of Mousse Teeth is being debated. A visit to the dentist for examination every year is at least recommended.

StudentRDH | Dental hygiene process of care | Dental Hygiene Boar
src: www.studentrdh.com

Culinary (food) hygiene

Culinary hygiene is related to practices related to food and cooking management to prevent food contamination, prevent food poisoning and minimize disease transmission to other foods, humans or animals. The practice of culinary hygiene determines a safe way to handle, store, prepare, serve, and eat food.

Culinary practices include:

  • Cleaning and disinfection areas and food preparation equipment (eg using special cutting boards for preparing raw meat and vegetables). Cleaning may involve the use of chlorine bleach, ethanol, ultraviolet light, etc. for disinfection.
  • Carefully avoid meat contaminated by trichina worms, salmonella, and other pathogens; or thoroughly cook the meat in question.
  • Be very careful in preparing raw foods, such as sushi and sashimi.
  • The institutional dish is cleaned by washing with soap and clean water.
  • Wash hands thoroughly before touch any food.
  • Wash hands after touching raw foods while preparing food.
  • Do not use the same equipment to prepare different foods.
  • Not sharing your cutlery while you eat.
  • Do not lick your fingers or hands when or after a meal.
  • Not reusing the licked equipment.
  • Proper food storage to prevent contamination by pests.
  • Refrigeration of food (and avoid certain foods in environments where cooling or not feasible).
  • Label food to show when it's produced (or, as food manufacturers suggest, to show the "best before" date).
  • Proper disposal of uneaten food and packaging.

Morning Personal Hygiene And Hands Washing Procedure Royalty Free ...
src: previews.123rf.com

Personal service hygiene

Personal hygiene services relate to practices related to the care and use of instruments used in the administration of personal care services to persons:

Personal hygiene practices include:

  • Sterilization of instruments used by service providers include hairdressers, aesthetists, and other service providers.
  • Sterilization with an autoclave instrument used in body piercing and tattoo tagging.
  • Clean hands.

src: i.ytimg.com

Sleeping disorders

Sleep hygiene is a recommended behavior and environmental practice intended to improve better sleep quality. This recommendation was developed in the late 1970s as a method to help people with mild to moderate insomnia, but, by 2014, evidence of the effectiveness of individual recommendations is "limited and inconclusive". Doctors assess the cleanliness of sleeping people present with insomnia and other conditions, such as depression, and offer recommendations based on assessment. Recommendations of sleep hygiene include setting a regular sleep schedule, using a careful nap, not exercising physically or mentally too close to bedtime, limiting concerns, limiting light exposure in the hours before bed, getting out of bed if sleep does not come , do not use sleep for anything but sleep and avoid alcohol and nicotine, caffeine, and other stimulants in the hours before bed, and have a peaceful, comfortable and dark sleeping environment.

9-Piece Hygiene Kit | Positive Promotions
src: www.positivepromotions.com


The earliest written records of detailed hygiene codes can be found in some Hindu texts, such as Manusmriti and Vishnu Purana. Bathing is one of the five nitya karma (daily duties) in Hinduism, and not doing that leads to sin, according to some scriptures.

Regular bath is the hallmark of Roman civilization. Complex baths are built in urban areas to serve the community, which usually requires infrastructure to maintain personal hygiene. The complex usually consists of large baths, such as swimming pools, smaller hot and cold pools, saunas, and facilities like a spa where individuals can be drunk, oiled, and massaged. Water is constantly changed by the flow of running water. Bathing outside the city center involves smaller, less elaborate bath facilities, or just using clean water. Roman cities also had large gullies, such as Cloaca Maxima in Rome, where public and private latrines were drained. The Romans did not have toilets that watered necessities but had toilets with a continuous stream of water beneath them.

Until the end of the 19th century, only elites in Western cities typically had indoor facilities to lighten body functions. The majority of the poor use public facilities built on septic tanks in the backyard and courtyard. This changed after Dr. John Snow discovered that cholera is transmitted by contamination of water faeces. Although it took decades for its findings to gain widespread acceptance, the government and sanitation reformers were finally convinced of the health benefits of using sewers to keep human waste from water contamination. This encourages the adoption of both flush toilets and moral imperatives that the bathrooms should be indoors and as fair as possible.

Hygiene in medieval Europe

Christianity has always placed a strong emphasis on cleanliness, Despite the condemnation of the mixed bath style of the Roman pool by early Christian priests, as well as the pagan custom of women bathing naked in front of men, this does not stop the Church from urging followers to go to the public baths for bathing, which contribute to good hygiene and health according to the Father of the Church, Clement of Alexandria. The Church built separate public bath facilities for both sexes near monasteries and pilgrim sites; also, the popes lie within the basilicas and church monasteries since the early Middle Ages. Pope Gregory the Great urged his followers to appreciate bathing as a body's need.

Contrary to popular belief and although early Christian leaders, like Boniface I, condemned baths as unspiritual, bathing and sanitation were not lost in Europe with the collapse of the Roman Empire. The first soapmaking became an established trade during the so-called "Dark Ages". The Romans used fragrant oil (mostly from Egypt), among other alternatives.

Northern Europeans are not used to bathing: in the ninth century Notker the Stammerer, a Frank St Gall monk, tells of an unsolicited anecdote that links the adverse outcome of personal hygiene with Italian style:

There was a certain deacon who followed the Italian custom because he kept trying to fight nature. He used to take a shower, his head shaved with great care, he rubbed his skin, he cleaned his nails, his hair cut short if it reversed the lathe, and he wore linen underwear and snow white clothes.

Secular medieval texts constantly refer to the washing of hands before and after meals, but Sone de Nansay, the hero of the 13th century romance, finds his resentment that the Norwegians do not bathe after a meal. In the 11th and 12th centuries, bathing was essential to Western European upper classes: the Cluny monasteries they used or retired were always provided with bath houses, and even the monks were asked to take a full bath twice a year, at two festivals - a Christian renewal festival, though urged not to open themselves from under their covers. In the 14th century in Tuscany, the newlyweds' baths together were a powerful convention like the couple, in a large coated tube, illustrated in the frescoes of the town hall of San Gimignano.

Baths have fallen out of fashion in Northern Europe long before the Renaissance, when the communal public baths of German cities in turn became a miracle for Italian visitors. Baths are replaced by heavy use of sweat-bath and perfume, as it is thought in Europe that water can bring disease into the body through the skin. Bathing encourages the erotic atmosphere played by romance writers devoted to the upper classes; in the Melusine story, baths are an essential element of the plot. "Baths and treatments are regarded with suspicion by the moralists, however, as they reveal the attractiveness of the body.Mandi is said to be a prelude to sin, and in regret of Burchard of Worms we find a complete catalog of sins happening when men and women bathe together. "The medieval church authorities believe that public baths create an environment open to immorality and disease; 26 Paris public baths at the end of the 13th century were strictly supervised by civil authorities. Later, Roman Catholic Church officials even banned public baths in a failed attempt to stop the syphilis epidemic from sweeping Europe.

Modern sanitation was not widely adopted until the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. According to the medieval historian Lynn Thorndike, people in medieval Europe probably bathed more than people in the 19th century. Sometime after the Louis Pasteur experiment proved the germ theory and Joseph Lister and others practiced it in sanitation, hygienic practices were regarded as the same thing as health, as in modern times.

src: www.thegutsygourmet.net

Society and culture

Islamic hygiene jurisprudence

Since the 7th century, Islam has always placed a strong emphasis on cleanliness. In addition to the need to be ritually clean in time for daily prayers (Arabic: Salat ) through Wuzu and Ghusl, there are a large number of hygiene regulations governing the lives of Muslims. Other issues include the Islamic dietary law. In general, the Qur'an advises Muslims to uphold high standards of physical hygiene and become ritually clean whenever possible.

Dental Hygiene | Teaching Dental Care to Kids - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com

See also

  • Contamination control
  • Human decontamination
  • Hygiene hypothesis
  • Hygiene program
  • Mysophobia
  • Purification ritual
  • Sanitation


Further reading

  • International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, ISSN 1438-4639, Elsevier

External links

  • US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Europe
  • Sanitation and Water Cleanliness
  • International Scientific Forum on Hygiene
  • Hygiene Center, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
  • Centers for Disease Control in hygiene hands in health care settings

Source of the article : Wikipedia
