Warts usually grow small, rough, and hard which has a similar color to other skins. They usually do not produce symptoms except when at the bottom of the foot where they may be painful. While they usually occur in the hands and feet they can also affect other locations. One or more warts may appear. They are not cancerous.
Warts are caused by infection with human papillomavirus (HPV) type. Factors that increase risk include the use of a common shower, working with meat, eczema, and a low immune system. The virus is believed to enter the body through a skin that has been slightly damaged. A number of types exist including: common warts, plantar warts, filiform warts, and genital warts. Genital warts are often sexually transmitted.
Without treatment, most types of warts will change in months to years. A number of treatments can accelerate the resolution including salicylic acid that is applied to the skin and cryotherapy. In those who are healthy, they usually do not produce significant problems. Treatment of genital warts is different from other types.
Warts are very common, with most people getting infected at some point in their lives. The approximate current rate of non-genital warts among the general population is 1-13%. They are more common among young people. Estimated rate of genital warts in sexually active women is 12%. Warts have been described at least as far back as 400 BC by Hippocrates.
Video Wart
Different types of warts have been identified, varying in shape and affected sites, as well as the type of human papillomavirus involved. These include:
- Common warts ( Verruca vulgaris ), warts grown with rough surfaces, most common in the hand, but can grow anywhere in the body. Sometimes known as the Palmer wart or Junior wart.
- Flat wart ( Verruca plana ), small, flattened, meat-colored warts, which can occur in large quantities; most common on the face, neck, hands, wrists and knees.
- Filiform or digitate warts, yarn or fingerlike warts, most common on the face, especially near the eyelids and lips.
- Genital wart (genital warts, Condyloma acuminatum, Verruca acuminata), warts that occur in the genitals.
- Mosaic warts, a group of plantar-type warts, usually in the hands or soles of the feet.
- Purulual warts, a collection of cauliflower-like warts that occur around the nail.
- Plantar wart (veruka, Verruca plantaris ), hard lumps are sometimes painful, often with black patches in the middle; usually only found at pressure points on the soles of the feet.
Maps Wart
Warts are caused by human papilloma virus (HPV). There are about 130 known types of human papilloma viruses. HPV infects squamous epithelium, usually on the skin or genitals, but each type of HPV is usually only able to infect some specific areas of the body. Many types of HPV can produce benign growth, often called "warts" or "papillomas", in areas where they are infected. Many of the more common types of HPV and warts are listed below.
- Common warts - HPV types 2 and 4 (most common); also types 1, 3, 26, 29, and 57 and others.
- Genital cancer and dysplasia - a "high-risk" type of HPV is associated with cancer, especially cervical cancer, and can also cause some vulvar, vaginal, penile, rectal, and oropharyngeal cancers. Types of "Low risk" associated with warts or other conditions.
- High risk: 16, 18 (causing most cervical cancer); also 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 52, 58, 59, and others.
- Plant warts (myrmecia) - HPV type 1 (most common); also types 2, 3, 4, 27, 28, and 58 and others.
- Anogenital warts (condylomata akuminata or genital warts) - HPV types 6 and 11 (most common); also typed 42, 44 and others.
- Low risk: 6, 11 (most common); also 13, 44, 40, 43, 42, 54, 61, 72, 81, 89, and others.
- Flat warts - HPV types 3, 10, and 28.
- Warts of meat - HPV type 7.
- Heck's disease (focal epithelial hyperplasia) - HPV types 13 and 32.
Common warts have a distinctive appearance under a microscope. They have thickening of the stratum corneum (hyperkeratosis), thickening of the stratum spinosum (acanthosis), thickening of the stratum granulosum, rete ridge elongation, and large blood vessels at the dermoepidermal junction.
Gardasil 6 is an HPV vaccine aimed at preventing cervical cancer and genital warts. Gardasil is designed to prevent infection with HPV types 16, 18, 6, and 11. HPV types 16 and 18 currently cause about 70% of cases of cervical cancer, and also cause some vulvar, vaginal, penile and rectal cancers. HPV types 6 and 11 are responsible for 90% of documented cases of genital warts.
Gardasil 9, approved in 2014 protects against HPV types 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, and 58.
The current HPV vaccine does not protect against the viral strains responsible for plantar warts (verrucas).
The virus is relatively strong and immune to many common disinfectants. 90% ethanol exposure for at least 1 min, 2% glutaraldehyde, 30% Savlon, and/or 1% sodium hypochlorite may disinfect the pathogen.
The virus is resistant to drying and heat, but is killed by 100 ° C (212 ° F) and ultraviolet radiation.
There are many treatments and procedures related to wart removal. A review of various clinical trials of skin wart treatment concluded that topical treatments containing salicylic acid were more effective than placebo. Cryotherapy seems to be as effective as salicylic acid, but there are fewer trials.
- Salicylic acid may be prescribed by a dermatologist in a concentration higher than that found in a freely sold product. Some over-the-counter products are available in pharmacies and supermarkets of about two types: adhesive pads treated with salicylic acid, and concentrated salicylic salicylic acid solutions.
- Imiquimod is a topical cream that helps the immune system fight wart virus by encouraging the production of interferon. It has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for genital warts.
- Cantharidin, found naturally in the body of many Meloidae beetle family members, causes blistering skin. It is used by itself or is aggravated by podophyllin. Not FDA approved, but available through Canada or select US compounding pharmacy.
- Bleomycin is not approved by the US FDA and may cause pulse necrosis and Raynaud's syndrome. The usual treatment is one or two injections.
- Dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB), like salicylic acid, is applied directly to the warts. Studies show this method is effective with an 80% healing rate. But DNCB should be used much more carefully than salicylic acid; These chemicals are known to cause genetic mutations, so it must be managed by a doctor. This drug induces an allergic immune response that leads to inflammation that prevents the virus that causes warts.
- Cidofovir is an antiviral drug injected into HPV lesions in the larynx (laryngeal papillomatosis) as an experimental treatment. Benzoyl peroxide (BPO) is effective in the treatment of flat warts.
Other products available on the market that can help remove warts are silver nitrate in the form of caustic pencils, which are also available in drug stores. In a placebo-controlled study of 70 patients, silver nitrate administered for nine days resulted in cleansing of all warts in 43% and improvement in warts at 26% one month after treatment compared with 11% and 14%, respectively, in the placebo group.. Instructions should be followed to minimize the coloration of leather and clothing. Sometimes pigmented scars may occur.
Several randomized, controlled trials have found that zinc sulphate, taken orally, often reduces or eliminates warts. The zinc sulphate dose used in medical tests for the treatment of warts is between 5 and 10 mg/kg/day. For zinc, a dose lower than 2.5 mg/kg/day may be appropriate because large amounts of zinc can cause copper deficiency. Other experiments have found that a topical zinc sulfate solution or zinc oxide is also effective.
A 2014 study shows that lopinavir is effective against human papilloma virus (HPV). This study used the equivalent of one tablet twice a day topically applied to a woman's service with pre-cancerous conditions of high and low levels. After three months of treatment, 82.6% of women with high-grade disease had normal cervical conditions, confirmed by swabs and biopsies.
The study of fat soluble garlic extract has shown cleansing in over 90% of cases. The extract is applied twice daily and covered with adhesive bandages. Improvements show within 2-4 weeks and an average total clearance of 6-9 weeks.
- Keratolysis, from dead surface skin cells usually uses salicylic acid, blister agent, immunomodulatory modifier ("immunomodulator"), or formaldehyde, often with mechanical warts with pumice stone, knives etc.
- Electrodikasi
- Cryosurgery or cryotherapy, which involves freezing warts (commonly with liquid nitrogen), creates blisters between warts and epidermal layers after which the warts and dead skin around them fall out. An average of 3 to 4 treatments is required for warts on thin skin. Warts on calloused skin such as plantar warts may require dozens or more treatments.
- Surgical curettage on the wart
- Laser treatments - often with pulse dye laser or carbon dioxide (CO 2 ). Pulse dye laser (wavelength 582) works by the absorption of cells by blood cells (especially hemoglobin). CO 2 lasers work with selective absorption by water molecules. The dye laser pulses are less damaging and are more likely to heal without scarring. CO 2 lasers work by evaporating and destroying tissues and skin. Laser treatments can be painful, expensive (although covered by many insurance plans), and not a lot of scarring when used appropriately. CO 2 lasers will require local anesthesia. Laser treatment of pulse dye does not need conscious sedation or local anesthesia. It takes 2 to 4 treatments but can be more for extreme cases. Typically, 10-14 days is required between treatments. Important precautions.
- Infrared coagulator - a powerful infrared source of light in a small beam such as a laser. It basically works on the same principle as laser treatment. It's cheaper. Like a laser, it can cause pain and scar tissue.
- Duct tape blockage therapy involves placing masking tape over the warts. The mechanism of action of this technique is still unknown. Despite some clinical trials, the evidence for the efficacy of duct tape therapy is inconclusive. Although there is a wide variety of evidence for success, the simplicity of the method and its limited side effects have led some researchers to be reluctant to ignore it.
Society and culture
According to the belief of the British people, touching frogs causes warts; according to the belief of the Germans, touching the frog under the full moon heals the warts. The most common northern hemisphere frog has a protruding gland from their wartlike skin. Warts are caused by viruses, and frogs do not store them. Various traditional traditional remedies and rituals claim to remove warts.
The sharp yellow sap of Greater Celandine is used as a traditional wart remedy. The sap can be applied directly to the wart in a manner similar to the concentrated salicylic acid solution, but in simpler amounts.
In the Tom Sawyer Adventure , Mark Twain has his character discussing the various solutions. Tom Sawyer proposes "spunk-water" (or "water stump", water collected in a tree stump) as a remedy for warts on the hands. You put your hand into the water at midnight and say:
You then "walk away quickly, eleven steps, with eyes closed, and then turn around three times and walk home without talking to anyone, because if you speak the charm is broken." This is considered superior to the drug favored by Huckleberry Finn which involves throwing a dead cat into a grave. Another medicine that involves splitting nuts, taking blood from the warts and putting it in one piece, and burying it halfway at the intersection at midnight. The theory of surgery is that the blood on the buried nuts will pull out the warts. Twain is recognized as an early collector and Native American folk recorder.
Similar practices are noted elsewhere. In Louisiana, a cure for warts involves scrubbing warts with potatoes, which are then buried; when "dried potato dries, warts will heal". Other drugs similar to Twain are reported from Northern Ireland, where water from certain wells on Rathlin Island is credited with the power to cure warts.
Other animals
External links
- The polar photo library, Dermnet
Source of the article : Wikipedia