Senin, 04 Juni 2018

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Swaddle a Baby the Right Way (With Pictures) | Mama Natural

The diaper is the old practice of wrapping the baby in a blanket or cloth so that the movement of the limb is restricted tightly. Swaddling bands are often used to further restrict infants. Diapers fall less favorably in the 17th century.

Some authors suggest that nappies become popular again, although medical and psychological opinions about the effects of nipples are shared. Several modern medical studies have shown that nappies help the baby fall asleep and stay asleep and help keep the baby in supine position, which lowers the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). However, one recent study shows that nappies increase the risk of SIDS. Furthermore, the evidence suggests that certain nectal techniques may increase the risk of hip dysplasia development.

Video Swaddling

Origin and history

Some authors assume that nappies are found in the paleolithic period. The early depictions of shackled babies are votive offerings and cemetery items from Crete and Cyprus, 4000 to 4500 years.

Nicotik statues have been found in the graves of ancient Greek and Roman women who died in childbirth, displaying babies in nappy clothes. In holy places dedicated to Amphiaraus, models representing babies wrapped in swaddling cloth have been dug up. Apparently, this is often given as a thank you by anxious mothers when their baby has recovered from the disease.

Perhaps the most famous account of the nappies found in the New Testament concerning the birth of Jesus in Luke 2: 6-2: 7:

And so, that, when they were there, the days were over that he should be set free. And he gave birth to his oldest son, and wrapped him in swaddling cloth and laid him in a manger; because there is no place for them at the inn.

The naked clothes described in the Bible consist of a cloth tied with bandages like bandages. After the baby is born, the cord is cut and tied, and then the baby is washed, rubbed with salt and oil, and wrapped in a cloth. This strip keeps the newborn warm and also ensures that the child's legs will grow straight. Ezekiel 16: 4 describes Israel as unfettered, a metaphor for abandonment.

During the Tudor period, nappies involve wrapping new babies with linen ribbons from head to toe to ensure the baby will grow physically impaired. A live band will stick to the forehead and shoulders to secure the head. Babies will be lulled like this until about 8 or 9 months.

The Swiss surgeon, Felix Würtz (around 1500 to about 1598) was the first to criticize open-sided openings.

I also see true and righteous children created by God and born into this world by men, who become crooked and paralyzed men, who have never had a straight and healthy thigh. (...) In addition, I have for example let a child lie down again and tied up, so I see, in what way he is burdened. There I then actually saw, where it was wrong (...). But with the misunderstanding they want to tie it straight, but actually they tie it to bend and tighten the hard bandage, so the child can not have peace (....).

In the seventeenth century, the scientific opinion of the nappy began to change. There is a negligence relationship with the nappies, especially regarding the wetnurses that will leave the baby in their care lulled for long without washing or comforting them. More than a hundred years after WÃÆ'¼rtz, doctors and philosophers from England began to openly criticize the lampin and ultimately demanded complete abolition. The English philosopher John Locke (1632-1704) dismissed the novel in his book Several Minds on Education, becoming a lobbyist not to tie the baby at all. This thought was highly controversial at the time, but gradually gained ground, first in England and then elsewhere in Western Europe.

William Cadogan (1711-1797) seems to be the first doctor, who requested the complete removal of nappy. In his "Essays on Nursing" in 1748, he expressed his views on contemporary parenting, nappiness, the topic of too much clothing for babies and overeating. He writes:

But besides the Mischiefs that arise from the Heavy and Heat of these Swaddling-cloaths, they wear them so tightly, and the Son is so cramped by them, that his Colon has no space, nor Limbs Liberty, to act and use them in Manner as easily and free as it should be. This is a very painful situation, because the unused Body Member will never be strong, and such a gentle Body can not withstand the Pressure.

Philosophers and doctors increasingly began to reject the nineteenth century. Jean Jacques Rousseau wrote in his book Emile: Or, On Education in 1762:

The boy barely left his mother's womb, barely starting to move and stretching his limbs, when given a new bond. It was bandaged with nappy bands, with a fixed head, legs stretched out, and arms to the side; he was wrapped with linen and bandages of all sorts that could not move [...]. Where does this absurdity come from? From unnatural practices. Because mothers insult their main duty and do not want to breast-feed their own children, they should entrust them to paid women. These women become mothers to the children of strangers, who are naturally so small for them that they are simply trying to avoid trouble. An unencumbered child will require constant monitoring; well burdened was thrown into a corner and his cry was ignored [...]. Claimed that the baby is left free will take the wrong position and make movements that can hurt the development of their limbs. This is one of the futile rationalizations of our false wisdom that has never been ascertained by experience. Of the many children who grow up with the full use of their limbs among the nations more wisely than ourselves, you never find anyone who hurts themselves or hurt themselves; their movement is too weak to be dangerous, and when they take an adverse position, the pain warns them to change it.

Although this form of nappy is not favored in the Western world, many Eastern cultures and tribes still use it.

Maps Swaddling

Modern Lampin

Madonna and Child's dressing clothes are now replaced with cottons that accept blankets, muslin cotton fabrics, or special "winged" swaddles babies. Modern lampin is becoming increasingly popular today as a means of soothing and calming an irritable baby and helping babies sleep longer with less awakening. Since the early 1990s, the medical community has recommended putting babies on their backs to sleep to reduce the risk of SIDS. Because the study proves that babies who bend sleep more soundly in the back of sleeping position, lampin has become increasingly popular and it is recommended that parents avoid dangerous abdominal sleep position. Lampin also prevents newborns from waking themselves up with their Moro reflexes.

The loose and ineffective swaddling technique that is made when using a large blanket can generally be kicked by a waking baby. It is important for caregivers to complete safe surgery to make sure the blanket does not get loose and the baby stays wrapped up during the sleep period. The nipple action carries the risk of a baby overheating if the caregiver uses some blanket that is too thick or uses a thick furry cloth that creates excessive heat insulation.

Modern special baby swaddles are designed to make it easier to build babies than with traditional square covers. They are usually cloth blankets in the shape of triangles, 'T' or 'Y', with 'wings' that wrapped around the baby's torso or over the baby's shoulders and around under the baby. Some of these products use Velcro patches or other fasteners. Some parents prefer specific devices because of their relative ease of use, and many parents prefer large rectangles that accept blankets or wrap because they can get a tight and order-appropriate suit and the baby will not outperform the comforter.

To avoid the risk of hip dysplasia, membedung must be done in such a way that the baby can move his feet freely in the hips. This is more easily done with a large blanket that can keep the arm firmly in place while allowing leg flexibility, all while allowing for proper hip development.

By the time the baby learns to roll over, usually about 4-5 months, the parents and caregivers have to move the baby from the nappies to the less tight cover for sleeping. If the baby can roll over, it is important for the baby to use his hands and arms to adjust the position of his head after rolling over. Traditional nappies use flat strings for infants tied up; care is required to not tie them too hard or blood flow will be restricted.

Area variation

Swaddling is still distributed worldwide. In some countries, nappies are the standard baby care. In Turkey, for example, 93.1% of all infants become sedated in the traditional way. According to the Human Relations Area Files (HRAF), 39% of all documented contemporary non-industrial cultures show past practices; 19% further use other motion restriction methods for infants. Some authors assume that the popularity of nappy grows in the US, UK, and the Netherlands. The British sample showed 19.4% of babies wrapped up in the night. In Germany, nappies are not used as a measure of routine care and relatively few acceptance experiences, since the missing mention of this practice in standard work on Papusek regulation disorder shows.

Medical use

Building as a medical intervention with a clear range of indications is limited to use in premature baby care practices or crybabies with proven organic brain damage. Also the nappies are used to reduce the pain in the treatment act such as collecting blood on the heel. This premature baby's limb (very low birth weight baby, baby VLBW) just happens very loose. This is meant to hold the weak arm around the body and make certain movements possible. This "lampin" is something very different from the traditional nappies in the stretched position.

Dudu Swaddle: How to Swaddle a Baby by Dr. Harvey Karp â€

Psychological and physiological effects

Modern medical studies of nappies use a form that is much shorter and lighter than historical forms. Therefore, the results of such a study should be understood only as an assessment of historical practices. Classical studies by Lipton et al. in 1965 dealing with the modern form of lampin. The researchers described the two main effects of a tightly wrapped baby: they were calmly motored and slept soundly. This effect is detected by various psycho-physiological parameters, such as heart rate, sleep duration and the duration of crying. The research group around the Dutch biologist van Sleuwen in 2007 confirmed this picture in their latest meta-analysis of medical studies on nappies and their effects.

However, severe restrictions on the scope of this study should be kept in mind, since most of the positive effects mentioned by van Sleuwen et al. is not associated with a naturally developed newborn, but for an affected baby, premature babies and infants with detectable organic brain damage. Lampin improves REM sleep (active sleep) as well as overall sleep duration. The effect of nipples on regulatory disturbances over crying is not very convincing: By adding nappies there is a "soothing" effect directly on the children, but after a few days the effect of regular recognition with the nappies is exactly the same as the regularity itself. In other words: after a few days nappy is really not necessary. It is therefore contraindicated to overcome the potential risk of nappiness, as its effect is only available for short periods, but after a while it can be ignored.

Motor development

Two studies based on indigenous peoples in the United States do not show any delay in traveling due to curbing the use of cradleboard. In other areas of motor development, a clear delay of development occurs even when minor limitations occur. Skepticism about the effect of alleged disappearance from nipples at the beginning of the walk provides a Japanese study: the application of a cradle basket (ejiko) causes delayed onset of walking. An older Austrian study showed that swinging Albanian infants showed delayed ability to crawl and reach objects with their hands. This demonstrates the need for substantial further scientific clarification of motor skills disruption with nappies.

Sudden infant death syndrome

The effects of nappiness on sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) are unclear. A 2016 review found temporary evidence that nappies increase the risk of SIDS, especially among babies placed on their stomachs or on their sleeping sides.

Lampin is supposed to keep babies on their backs, to prevent SIDS. Lampin itself is not seen as a protective factor for SIDS. Lampin can even increase the risk when the baby sleeps in prone position; it reduces the risk if they sleep in the supine position. A recent study shows now that it is apparently a risk factor for SIDS, although the opposite is often assumed before: Of infants who died of SIDS, 24% were lulled; in the control group only 6% were lulled.

Document the negative effects

Some empirical studies show evidence of the negative effects of the nappies.

  • Lampin, especially traditional forms, increases the risk for hip dysplasia.
  • Skeletal tightness, especially where the head is closed, reduces the baby's ability to cool his body temperature which can lead to hyperthermia. In one case, a heavy-clad boy died of hyperthermia.
  • In one study, the risk of developing a respiratory infection increased fourfold through the nipple.
  • A pediatrician found in his sample leveled the occipital aspect of the infant's head, which was wrapped tightly and lay in their traditional holder.
  • In the most important contemporary study of swaddling practices in the maternity ward by Bystrova et al., showed that nappies in the hours after birth were associated with delayed recovery from postpartum weight loss. Positive effects on recovery are given through direct skin-to-skin contact between mother and baby in the hours after birth. Skin-to-skin contact is shown to reduce the impact of stress being born, with babies maintaining their body temperature to a greater extent than those who are lulled in the nursery.
  • Latest results from investigations Bystrova et al. shows that the behavior of the mother develops less under the nipple condition, and the reciprocity in the mother-child pair is reduced.

All You Need To Know About Swaddling - momsxyz

See also

  • Baby Clothes
  • Maternity
  • Baby massage
  • Baby folders
  • Kangaroo treatments
  • Psychohistory
  • Sleeping bag (baby)

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External links

  • Swaddling band on The V & amp; A Museum of Childhood
  • Terracotta baby wrapped in the Royal Museum of Art and History, Brussels
  • 18th Century Baby Photo Swaddling Series, Sharon Ann Burnston

Source of the article : Wikipedia
